Reviews for Adventure 02 x Frontier
DeathLadyShinigami chapter 1 . 2/29
I don’t care how old this fic is, it’s still one of THE Best Digimon fics I’ve ever read and IS the best Adventure Frontman crossover. Even in its incomplete state I Love rereading it when in a Digimon mood!
mar2509avillosa chapter 39 . 12/30/2018
Hey, I know I am so very late to this (I read your story around the same time you published it but I am only now writting this) I was going through my things and found this chapter that I had printted and highlited back in the day. It was (and still is) my favorite chapter ever.
I loved it so much because it spoke to me, it became part of my philosophy of life even. I was at a difficult pint when I was reading your story, had very little structure about what my ideology was, or even my take on life but Tommys reflection served as a guide.
It is dificult to explain without it sounding horrible, but I kinda wanted the same mindset as Tommy has here; I wanted to be efficient, to be able to concentrate on one thing and pull thru with it, I wanted to be able to separate what I could controll from what I could not.
Tommys explanation of how he was disappearing behind the mask was also a good way for me to explian my conflicted identity, I wanted to be everithing for everyone, and that was leaving me with nothing behind the masks.
So, I just wanted to say that your writting gave me hope and guidance. I know this is super out of the blue but as I said, I found my printted chapter (dont worry is just for my personal use, I just loved re-reading this chapter soo much I had to have it in paper) and thought that I never really thanked you for it. So thank you very much for this, you trully have a gift . I hop whatever you are doing right now is going great and that you keep on creating wonderfull things.
ithil chapter 52 . 6/13/2018
I really like this story! The way you've contrasted the two setting works well, the characters bounce off each other in interesting ways, overall a great read. No regrets after binging the entire thing! Thanks for posting.
Jin chapter 52 . 5/3/2018
I want to get something off my chest: Thank you for this fanfiction. While it is on hiatus, I can see you are not giving up, and putting time on the story whenever you can. I really appreciate your dedication and I love how you written the story.

I love the pacing, how you are developing the characters, and the story itself shows how amazing your imagination is. Even with limitations of the Digimon series itself, I love you have utilize it for yourself and try to make it work.

Also your comments are fun to read, it shows your thoughts and I get to know you a bit better.

The review came a little later than I wanted it to, but I want to let you know that I enjoy the story and I hope you are doing fine. Take care and remember to enjoy yourself.
yuutojaden chapter 52 . 2/25/2018
please continue
loklambert chapter 52 . 1/23/2018
please continue
Raylaroo chapter 52 . 12/11/2017
I hope you start updating again soon! This is a really well planned and executed story and I hope that I get read more from this! I especially love Zoe (she was one of my favorite characters growing up) and I hope I get to see her interact with the Digidestined!
chi chan24 chapter 52 . 10/20/2017
For the love of all that is awesome in this world please please please finish this story PLEASE! This is the most amazing digimon (frontier, i love frontier) fanfiction I have ever read! Im just in utter awe of the amount of planning and detail and how well all the pieces fall neatly into place to further the story. The world you've created is very clearly explained and I can visually see in my mind the settings. The characters are dynamic, true to their characters and almost alive. I love everything you've done so far and would do almost anything to see you pick this up again!
Sending Love and hope from mexico!
DeathLadyShinigami chapter 52 . 9/27/2017
Currently on a Digimon kick so came back for my umpteenth reread! This fic is now 6 years old (having started in 2011) and is still what I consider one of the best Digimon fics ever. The characters are awesome how you’ve melded 02 and 04 worlds is awesome and damn your lore and plot are amazing. Thanks for this amazing fic :)
KiraraKitaoji chapter 52 . 8/5/2017
Why there's no new chapter for this amazing story? I need a continuation uwu
Guest chapter 52 . 2/7/2017
Please please continue this amazing story. This is one of the best I have ever seen and I can't wait to see what happens next.
moonlightXninja168 chapter 52 . 1/27/2017
Is this story going to continue? I sincerely hope so, because it's an interesting story. I've read through it twice now.
Eagle Master17 chapter 52 . 12/3/2016
Ok, I've been binge reading this for 3 days including during classes on my phone (guilty as charged) because of how epic the story is!
AmazinglyAwesome chapter 52 . 5/17/2016
This is a very very neatly written price of writing art. Will it be updated? Would be. A shame if it was abandoned
Meteor Gin chapter 5 . 1/28/2016
The control all digimon with the same attributes or whatever idea is pretty ridiculous
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