Reviews for A Sunderland Spooks' Tour
Guest chapter 1 . 1/23
Damn I want another one of these this was great. And there's not enough Angela or Alessa stories
GrimmyLover chapter 1 . 12/10/2011
Awesome and funny story great job :D
Sepsis chapter 1 . 11/1/2011
haha, Laura playing Resident Evil! xD Im sure I wouldnt be able to play that stuff when I had to walk through Silent Hill.. But Laura was always a really cool girl, she will probably manage everything...

And somehow I can really imagine James buying her these games without really knowing what kind of games these are..

But its so cool that she wants to go as a guy, haha..xD All the others costumes are perfect, too, haha! I know Walter would do something like that.. At least he knows how to behave to be a serial killer..xD

And again youre writing the characters perfectly! James is wonderful as always, Laura is really cool and Walter is cute and doesnt understand many things, haha...

and the part about the maps was brilliant! I always wondered why there always seems to be a person in the games that actually has a map of the town or anything..?

Walter knocking on the door was hilarious! xD Just like all the talking they were dong while walking around..About insanity and everything else..xD

How James was afraid of Pyramid Head, oh god..I really can understand him, I would be so scared, too! (I think james should have went as Leon from resident Evil. :) Because of the blond hair and gun, haha.. But hes way too nice and soft for that, I think the mushroom suits him better. ;))
Not at home chapter 1 . 10/31/2011
Pleasantly surprised to see this looks like somewhat serious business. And still pretty funny.
Angel1876 chapter 1 . 10/31/2011
*laughs* This is epic! I love it! Will you write more? I hope so, because this story really made me smile. Thank you for writing it.