Reviews for My Dark Dilemma
samchon25 chapter 4 . 10/23/2015
when i'm seeing the last update in my thought, 'damn, the last update is 2011' and then i'm laughing..
i hope this story will be update again, hope so. hahaha..
Guest chapter 4 . 11/17/2014
more more more plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i love this story
R chapter 4 . 4/9/2014
Uwaaa! Pease update ASAP and I look forward to moments of 6927! Anyway I might've been an admirer of your fanfic, aurthor-san. Sorry for bad grammar ;;
Guest chapter 4 . 12/16/2013
You typed Nano instead of Nana once and can you please come back?! Its been a year! \( Δ)/
xryuchan27 chapter 4 . 10/30/2012
Nooouuuu! You left me hanging! Please update more! Please, oh please *sobs pitifully*
celine997 chapter 4 . 9/16/2012
i love where this story is going! plz continue with this one. i support you all the way. : )
Exile Wrath chapter 4 . 6/17/2012
This is an absolutely fantastic fic I love how the 9627 relationship is working out, and that Chrome is not as helpless as people like to portray her. Please update when life allows you to _
yoime chapter 4 . 4/11/2012
I want to say: i love ur story. this assassin life suits so well mukuro. I'm bewitched!(?) I'd really love it if you could continue with this amazing plotline If not, thanks for the imaginery*-*
Writing Contradictions chapter 4 . 4/3/2012
Cool chapter.
JadeFlicker chapter 4 . 4/2/2012
Oooh. this sounds exciting. D

Please update. I really want to see how this plot goes.
Mischievously chapter 4 . 2/17/2012
Mafia Boss chapter 4 . 1/14/2012
Lilgreyblob chapter 4 . 1/2/2012
Do you update weekly? I hope that's the case. Very interesting! Please update soon.
Lilgreyblob chapter 3 . 1/2/2012
Wow, this is surprising. The family connections such as Tsuna with Giotto and Mukuro with Daemon? Interesting. I like this so far. Do you have an idea of how long this story is going to be? I prefer longer stories and it seems that you would be a good writer for such stories. This story has potential and I would love to keep reading... *cough* And that is why this review is so short.

Lilgreyblob chapter 1 . 1/2/2012
"well-built frame, smooth talker and good in bed"

I think you should change "good in bed" to "sexual prowess"-Just because it sounds better. LOL. Cooler, hotter... ;).

I'm going to stop being picky now. XD. But on the other hand "Mukuro enjoyed their famous croissant." LOVED IT. I laughed.

Is this mysterious caller...Marshmallow-chan? Oops...Bya-chan?*cough* Ah- no, I mean, Byakuran?

Oh! Kyoko is a man-eating tiger! LOL JK.
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