Reviews for Scroll
cantik chapter 56 . 11/29/2018
Omg! what a wonderful story i ever read:')
AnimeEverywhere chapter 56 . 9/17/2018
Hi (again) :D
Another longer & slower moving stories, which still impacted me & absorbed me like your other story! The plot on itself is SO good i don't know how you could think of something this complexe! Everything makes sense at the end (at least for me, in addition to reading "Reconnaissance") & i loved the whole guessing game xD I thought Houren was one Person with 2 personalities or something similar. I was totally wrong though xD Kaitaro being related to Houren also surprised me a lot! Don't know why i couldn't think of this possibility...
What Sakura did was heroic to me. I just totally LOVE her. I don't get the whole "I wanted Sakura to die & this story came up"-Thing, but i'm glad to have read this amazing story thanks to that xD Sasuke was sometimes a bit OC, especially at the end of the story, still it does make sense to me (again) xD I love Keiko & Kaitaro but my favorite one of your created characters is & will always be Jirotaiku *3* He's just so lovable xD i like all the Scenes he had with Sakura from the beginning till the end. Eventhoug i'm a huge SasuSaku shipper i enjoyed JiroSaku moments a lot too :)
Thanks again for this amazingly hearttouching story! You're an amazing author (& I'm currently thinking about reading your Ghost Hunt stories as well because of this fact xD)
Bye~ AnimeEverywhere
Field of Spring chapter 56 . 11/13/2017
Honesty after reading the whole thing I still didn't get why Jiro was necessary in this story. It's not that I hate him though, I just don't see why he had to be there when everything he did for Sakura could have been explained by the doctor and Houren except for the scene in ch11. And just like many other SasuSaku fan fictions, I felt like Sakura did too much and Sasuke didn't do enough (until the second last chapter or so, that is. Sasuke did defeat the villain after all)
airiang chapter 56 . 9/19/2017
just so you know this is my third time reading Scroll :')
thank you for making this heartbreaking yet loving story of SasuSaku. btw the story should have a climax and need no sequel, because it wouldn't be much of SasuSaku moments. I love you though
cinnamon0325 chapter 24 . 5/17/2017
Omg I am shooook. So that's why Sasuke always feels numb and empty when he gets angry! And poor Sakura has to deal with that. What an interesting turn of events! Good job! I seriously didn't expect that!
Guest chapter 6 . 11/27/2016
Sasuke froze. That was Sakura. That was the Sakura he knew!

Never expected Sasuke to think that it's kinda funny like a little kid
black'nwhitepanda chapter 56 . 10/14/2014
I don't really fancy fanfictions with a lot of OCs but then there's something about your story that has drawn me to read it more.

I liked how you made the effort to make a smooth transition from flashbacks to present, you did a great job with that. The additional characters were great: they're not the annoying OCs and I felt like they're really part of the original story. It's good you made it longer so it won't seem to be rushed but the ending, it's really a cliffhanger but because of that, I'll read the sequel. HAHA! All in all, I love your story! It's a good read and worth my time. I'm hoping to read more stories like this. :)
in-the-tsukuyomi chapter 56 . 6/18/2014
I loved how you made sasuke stay in his character, I really wanted to cry at all those moments. Now I'm curious what's coming next
siena chapter 56 . 10/23/2013
oh my gosh!
you made me cry the whole time .. while i was reading your story
i love you ...
snowygirl55 chapter 56 . 6/26/2013
This by far one of the most intricate and brilliant pieces of fanfiction that I have ever had the joy of reading. Even so, ch 56 left me feeling really confused!
snowygirl55 chapter 18 . 6/25/2013
Just saying, I love Jiro kun's role in this story. Would It be awkward if I said that I actually now ship jiro and sakura together more than I ship sasusaku?
yonnee chapter 26 . 5/4/2013
Damn. I cried with Sasuke there. Ugh. Shit. Sorry for cursing. I curse a lot when crying.

All the suspense is killing me. There are so many plot twists! Just when I start guessing what would happen next, I get crushed by your genius! I can't wait to read the rest.
yonnee chapter 17 . 5/4/2013
Haha! Sasuke learned how to crack jokes :)) 'The villagers were lunatics.' XD

I'm loving the story by the way :)
yonnee chapter 2 . 5/4/2013
I can't believe I haven't read this yet. Ugh. FML.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the story!
itspaulpolk chapter 55 . 3/8/2013
hey, just finish the story. Really loved it! You should write another. You're a great writer!
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