Reviews for Through a Crow's Eyes
0Wishful-Thoughts0 chapter 1 . 2/29/2012
Damn... This story...

There aren't many DW fics out there, which usually means that there's even fewer good ones. But even though this was short, I have to say that I absolutely loved it: so DEFINITELY one of the good ones.

I think you got into Senji's mind perfectly, all the way to the point that I almost believed this was the actual Senji thinking all of this. Well, until I looked up and remembered, "Hey, wait. I'm still on Fanfiction. LOL." His feelings about Ganta felt so true, and the way that he felt about Toto was just... Amazing. I loved that paragraph where he says that Toto isn't even Toto anymore, and is actually the crazy batshit that got everyone into DW. And I also loved that other paragraph when he's talking about how Ganta's always there.

Actually, I think I loved all of the paragraphs. ;D

I loved this a lot! And I hope that you decide to publish another thing or two in the DW section of Fanfiction. Because that would be pretty daymaking for me. :)
OrganizationI chapter 1 . 11/29/2011
I don't know why, but I suddenly feel like writing a Senji/Ganta. WHAT? *sigh* I guess that's what you get when you take a yaoi-loving fangirl like me, a series I love, characters I love, and then throw in some inspiration. Of course, it would be filled with fucked-up thought processes and blood (as all Deadman Wonderland fics should). Oh, fanfiction. Look what you've done to me...
SweetzJunkie chapter 1 . 11/5/2011
Awwww, Senji~~~ I-I mean, Crow. xD Dang, this was so 'cool'~ (Sound cheesy, HAHAHA!) I wish it were longer, but even with this, the point of view captured is wonderful! Personally, I don't REALLY like Ganta, but he's got spunk, I say, and now, I see it as Crow sees it. Aw, this was so awesome, I want to reread it. And I will. :D Great, no, SPECTACULAR job again, and now, I shall go back to rereading it and spending more of my time fishing for beautiful fics like yours~ ;)