Reviews for It Was You
Pyrane chapter 1 . 11/30/2011
Thanks for righting on this manga

ohmyotps chapter 1 . 11/18/2011
Very good story about Natsume and his feelings. Poor boy being shuffled from place to place. Nice, another please?
Arkenshield chapter 1 . 11/10/2011
Pewww! You know what?

Your writing sounds EXACTLY as if Natsume is speaking it out himself!

I could see the images and hear his voice at the back of my mind while reading this. You've done an excellent job capturing the character of his speech and emotions!

Write more!
kittykaze chapter 1 . 11/7/2011
I liked your story! It was a pleasure to read. It’s a bit sad that in the anime (I’ve not read the manga), Madara points out that Natsume shouldn’t tell Natori about the book of friends, because then Natsume would start to feel like Natori was just hanging around him for this precious heirloom, instead of out of genuine friendship… That’s kind of sad, isn’t it? Sort of highlights how big an impact Natori had on Natsume’s life…

Anyway, well done! Hope you write something else for this fandom!
