Reviews for James Potter Chronicles: Year Three
Someone chapter 26 . 7/15
Just to say that becoming an Animagus is NOT just a simple spell. You can google it and see the steps according to J. . It much, much, much, much, MUCH more complecated than a spell. Anyways, I like your plots, even though sometimes Voldemort and the Death Eaters were a bit too interfering. I mean, really, attacking Hogwarts Express and kidnapping a teacher, then invaded Hogwarts multiple times, before turning up in Hogsmead (apologies if I spelled it wrong) and kiddnapped a student. It's a bit too eventful, but it's still great.
lilyannajackson chapter 11 . 5/12
'At least I won't have to worry about you being Head Boy'... oh how wrong is she! Excellent fic, by the way, loved it so much. Thanks a lot :)
- lily xx
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 37 . 2/10
Year 4, here I come.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 36 . 2/10
God fucking dammit.

Rochefort really is one obsessed asshole. It's nice to know Engelland went down fighting, but I hate that he went down at all, and now James is in even deeper shit.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 35 . 2/10
Well... shit...
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 34 . 2/10
That was a truly epic prank, the stuff of legends, but a point was made, never try to pull a fast one on Albus Dumbledore.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 33 . 2/10
A well deserved bit of happiness for the lot of 'em. And an epic speech made by James Potter.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 32 . 2/10
Excellent chapter! Really and truly brilliant!

I don't know what I loved more, Dorcas's speech that sparked excitement in my belly, the epic match that had me on the edge of my seat, or that magnificent kiss between those two star-crossed lovers! It truly is the best title for those two.

Of course there's always a slight damper to such happy events, and it, as always, is Severus Snape. He's to controlling of Lily, I'm fairly certain before James walked upon them, he was trying to tget her to do something she didn't want to, probably ordering her to stop being around her other friends. He's destroying their friendship and pushing her further into James's arms himself, and he doesn't even seem to realise it.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 31 . 2/10
A night of Passion and Love is always the best thing before something as big as this, you never know what's to come, so enjoy what you can while you can.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 30 . 2/10
HA! Lily is truly fucked! Even she can no longer deny the effect James Potter has on her!
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 29 . 2/9
Even with a boneless arm he still held his own, for the love of his house, and his own love of Quidittch. James Potter is a fucking legend.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 28 . 2/9
James AND those three idiots are at fault for this. James for going alone, and those idiots for un-sportsmen like conduct.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 27 . 2/9
It is pretty obvious that Snape was involved in what happened to Mary.

Once again that prank is brought up, and I find myself growing more and more excited. Granted I already know what happens, but getting to it is another thing.

Marlene continues to be one of the best, a unique foil to Sirius, who I'll admit has quite a few brilliant similarities to Ron.

Lily should just up and admit she like James, it's beyond obvious.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 26 . 2/9
This shit just adds to the reasons of why I don't like Slytherin house. They have no respect for anything or anyone unless it's something dark, or a genocidal monster.

And finally some more progress on the Animagi front.
UltimateGoldenSpider chapter 25 . 2/9
Another delightful fireside chat once again interrupted by one Sirius Black. I love him, but this is one of the few times I genuinely hate him.

What would I bet Lily hold James's little gift close to her in bed at night...?
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