Reviews for Harry's History Rewritten
mwinter1 chapter 2 . 4/10/2019
Interesting. It seems like you restarted this story. Let’s see where you are going. Awaiting more.
ThunderSphinx chapter 8 . 8/2/2017
Stupid, evil Snivellous Snape.

And OMFG! Why have you not updated!? Grr.
Face Yourself chapter 3 . 10/8/2015
Okay, just... too much 'product placement' feeling stuff this chapter, it's annoying to read and bogs down the flow of the story.
RRW chapter 8 . 5/24/2012
Hmmm...I'm not sure about Charlie giving up his quidditch captaincy. In book 6, Harry was notified in the summer he was quidditch captain. So Oliver would have received his badge the summer before Harry's 1st year.
RRW chapter 7 . 5/24/2012
This story is phenominal...I have NO idea why it only has 24 reviews. Very rarely do I put a story on my favorites after a few chapters, but this story certainally deserves it.
god of all chapter 8 . 5/21/2012
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
azphxbrd chapter 8 . 5/21/2012
Good chapter.I bet if Snape asked that last question to a slytherin student,the responds would be the same as Harry' would be great if Lily visited the school and kicked Snape in the arse for asking such as question to any first a howler would be more effective.
god of all chapter 7 . 2/14/2012
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
exillion chapter 1 . 1/9/2012
wow old man wanting another chance with his parents. If that isn't creepy I don't know what is.
Albino87 chapter 7 . 12/18/2011
I like it

keep the chapters coming
karthik9 chapter 7 . 12/16/2011
it is excellent chapter i look forward to future updates
CrystalBlues chapter 6 . 11/28/2011
is original harry going to emerge somewhere? because i've been hoping to find out what the reward was, and i hope it was him resurrecting somehow rather than the love shield being successful...

update soon~
patricia.pc chapter 2 . 11/25/2011
It's a great story idea and your descriptions of places and people are pretty good but... You really need a beta that can help you with mispealling, past/present tense and simple errors that make it difficult for the reader to enjoy the story. If you don't like the idea of a beta, read each chapter a few times with a critical eye and when in doubt, google it to make sure you have the right word with the correct spealing and in the appropiate tense.

Practice makes perfect. So I hope that instead of feeling down because of my review that you feel encouraged to progress and be a better writter! :)
Jarno chapter 6 . 11/25/2011
Hmmm, I don't know. I simply don't really see Harry and Ron being close friends in your story. Harry is simply to mature for Ron at this point. Perhaps an interesting twist would be for the friendship to devellop the other way around than in canon. Harry and Hermione being friends and them saving Ron from the troll. It could be the kick in the pants that Ron needs to have for his character to suit Harry's.

And about the Sirius question. What are the facts: Pettigrew: known deatheater. Says Sirus is a deatheater. Large explosion.

Things that work against Sirius: his family.

That that work for Sirius: James, being godfather to Harry, being known to be a member of the order of the phoenix, Dumbledore, no dark mark, large amounts of money, having broken with his family at age 17 connections...

How Sirus would prove himself innocent at the trial: James vouching for him, Lily with baby Harry in the stands for some emotional blackmail, a good lawyer (don't forget that Sirius is rather rich as is James), veritaserum and considering that aurors arrived inmediatly at the scene: the last spells cast on his wand (priori incantatem.)

The prossecution could bring some muggles to the stand who could tell they saw Pettigrew shout something to Sirius and then a large explosion. The defence could have material proof in the form of veritaserum, no dark mark and priori incantatem. Connections to the wizengamot, (Sirus is an ancient pureblood as is James.) The father of the boy who lived vouching for James. Dumbledore probably aiding Sirius as well. And money to put in the pocket of the corrupt politicians.

You have to ask yourself the question: if known deatheaters such as Malfoy are able to speak themselves out of prision through corruption, then would Sirius (in a right state of mind) who has the same amount of money but more and better connections as well as material proof he is not a deatheart, be thrown into jail?
Jarno chapter 4 . 11/25/2011
Interesting story, I wonder how Harry having a different upbringing will affect things. Allready I can see Harry not being as close to Ron, considering that Harry still is somewhat studious in your story.

One thing though, Sirius being in azkaban. That simply doesn't make sense. Why was Pettigrew able to frame Sirius? Because everyone though Sirius was a deatheater (due to him supposedly betraying the Potter's) and Sirius was completely shaken up when he confronted Pettigrew. In your story however people have no reason to believe Sirius is a deatheater nor would Sirius be shaken up considering everyone survived. So the confrontation between Sirius and Pettigrew would be seen as a confrontation between Sirius Black, godfather of the boy who lived and Pettigrew, the known deatheater. There is no way Pettigrew would be able to frame Sirius and no way that Sirius would be sent to azkaban without trial.
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