Reviews for Calm Down, Dude
MikeyMoo23 chapter 1 . 5/26/2018
This was so cute and fluffy! Hey look I love cuddles and I love close friendships. It’s so sweet that Mordecai helped Rigby in the end. And the ending scene is just so cute I love it so much 3
Guest chapter 1 . 5/20/2018
I really appreciate the in characterness it was perfect. It’s all felt right, like I was watching an episode, truely amazing!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/20/2018
Only really good Regular show fanfic I’ve read and I’ve read quite a lot. 10/10. Plz write more. You’re great.
Supermikeyninjalady chapter 1 . 3/23/2017
Oh. My. Goodness. That was amazing
Demonic girl111 chapter 1 . 8/3/2015
Awe! That was so cute!
Yaoiskittleshit chapter 1 . 6/16/2015
Meiwriter chapter 1 . 12/1/2014
Account Deleted-Bye chapter 1 . 4/30/2014

This is PERFECT! Perfectly paced, the characters perfectly fit their personalities, EVERYTHING!
Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be watching Regular Show on Netflix. XP

...Make MOAR! oDo
Guest chapter 1 . 1/12/2014
Awesome fanficfion! This is written perfectly and captures the characters' personalities perfectly. You should write more regular show stories, different ones and others like this where they help each others with fears or problems. I personally like stories like this one where Rigby needs help, but I love mordecai ad other characters stories too. Write more, like this and different stories. Great job!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/12/2014
This is an awesome fanfiction! You should make more regular show fanficfions like this. Where they help each other with fears and problem. This story captures the characters' personalities perfectly.I love Rigby stories more, like this one, but definetely make more.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/11/2014
best fanfic ever
GonkhNation chapter 1 . 1/3/2014
This was done amazingly well! You captured the characters and the way they play off each other perfectly. I liked how you portrayed everyone looking out for each other here, like Benson and Skips going out to get Muscle Man and Fives, that was really nice. And the playful teasing was very in character, but it never got to a point where it felt mean spirited. That's not always easy to write for a show like this but you really pulled it off. I personally love your writing style too, it was just an awesome read.
Zenna chapter 1 . 8/24/2013
Perfect! Very sweet, and I've always liked an implied relationship better than one that's so blunt it demands you pay attention to it. Well done. :)
darrah-toons chapter 1 . 6/16/2013
That was so cute and precious! I absolutely loved it!
MrsStylinson3 chapter 1 . 3/24/2013
That was awesome. Loved it DUDE.
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