Reviews for Let Go
sue1zide chapter 13 . 11/13/2019
Thank you for an honest glimpse into reality.
sue1zide chapter 2 . 11/13/2019
This is breaking my heart.
Sunshine1220 chapter 13 . 11/14/2017
This rec popped up in my FB newsfeed today... Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing it with us.
CSG chapter 13 . 7/17/2016
How terribly sad. Thanks for sharing it.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/11/2016
Maybe this story did not provide a HEA but drugs don't, do they ? I can relate to this story, and I know a lot of people who should read this. Thank you for telling it like it is and not sugar coating.!
rimalem chapter 13 . 3/18/2015
Hey! Just finished reading this.. must say, u may have started it as an outline of sorts, but it still read as a story.. so yay you! And me.. heehhehe
Mumofpicklegirls chapter 13 . 11/27/2014
You really captured the hopelessness and nightmare that every parent hopes they'll never have to deal with
Brilliantly done
magmom4 chapter 13 . 3/6/2014
As much as I hated the ending, I knew it was coming. I just had to keep reading. That is unfortunately the way with too many of our kids.
uytfdkuyfi.i chapter 13 . 2/6/2014
I think you ended the story very realistically. Of course it was sad, but I knew it would end that way, even though they did try to get help. It's always that last hit, the "just one more and then we'll get clean" hit that does it.
Carlisle and Esme's distress broke my heart. My heart breaks for all the parents and family members, especially my own, who have to deal with their loved ones' addictions. I thank you for the realness of the interactions between Edward and Carlisle because people who are strung out/on drugs can/do get mean and sometimes physically violent, some do steal, manipulate you and play on your guilt until you give them what they want. Carlisle's choice to use tough love sometimes work, and sometimes it doesn't - but he is not to blame.
This subject isn't pretty and you told this story wonderfully and simply, while never going over the top. You just kept it... real. Real is the word lol.
Thank you for your words.

xoxo Sammi/samitdamn
uytfdkuyfi.i chapter 2 . 2/6/2014
That's the hardest thing for a parent to do. You want to help, but you can't do anything until they're willing to change. I've watched my mom kick my brother out a few times over the last 11/12 years. But kicking them out doesn't always work either apparently.
I'm wondering how Edward and Bella got involved in hardcore drugs and why.
It's sad, but real, and I'm enjoying the read so far!

xoxo Sammi/samitdamn
fanfictionalcolic chapter 13 . 1/16/2014
This story still moved me hours after reading. This so awfully right and powerfully wrong. Just like life.
Nrbl1 chapter 13 . 11/26/2013
That's the truth...unfortunately it is what it is for the majority of addicts
Guest chapter 13 . 9/18/2013
You need more details of how they died
meelee72 chapter 13 . 8/16/2013
That hurt.
But, ur right. Some people succeed in recovery & some don't, because, YES, it only takes one slip.
A dear friend of mine was clean for 4 yrs, & both his parents died within 4 months of each other, & he relapsed... He's no longer on Earth because he started using again for a while, & one night he didn't wake up.
There are happy endings, but there are many sad endings also.

U did an amazing job capturing the torture of addiction. The way it affects everyone, not just the people using.
This leaves me sad, but u did an amazing job.
Great story, mama. - U are beyond talented.

[I am in love w/ ur story "An Angry Man" but took a (short) break from it to chk out some of ur other work. Glad I did]
meelee72 chapter 12 . 8/16/2013
Poor babies... & I say that because they have a disease, & they want so badly to clean up, but deep down, it seems, they know they want a fix more. :(
& they love each other so much. - It's sad. So, so sad.
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