Reviews for What Am I Feeling?
Lindt Luirae chapter 12 . 4/6/2017
I love this chapter
Lindt Luirae chapter 4 . 4/5/2017
Aw why make James evil?
Lindt Luirae chapter 2 . 4/5/2017
Lindt Luirae chapter 1 . 4/5/2017
Ohh I love this very much!
Cameronr19 chapter 60 . 11/19/2016
This was a really good story overall. You can see the author grow across the whole story, as it was updated over the years. They really liked the term "safe in the knowledge" for awhile as it was in almost every chapter ;) I didn't like that Albus lost his virginity to Danielle. Especially since he did it to make Scorpius jealous. The ending was good but I wish it would continue. Hope to see more writing in the future!
sarafine-ecleips chapter 3 . 5/4/2016
D'awwww... These two kiddies are so CUTE!
Cande chapter 60 . 9/2/2015
Hey! long time no see! please, if you feel like it, continue this story! you have no idea of how much I love it!
Des chapter 60 . 9/2/2015
Personally I'd LOVE it if you carried on with this. It's my favourite fic
MiraclesHappen94 chapter 59 . 3/15/2015
OMFG! There is more, it was so weird i just reread it all and it was weird seeing my name in the thankyou for reviewing list, i can't wait for more Al and Scorp. I love them so much!
Springtome00 chapter 59 . 8/6/2013
Very good story ...
Love it..
aphroditeinlove chapter 50 . 5/26/2013
yayyy... Louis and Martino...!
aphroditeinlove chapter 59 . 5/26/2013
This by far the greatest Al and Scor fic... the plot is good and every couple is just sooooo cute! Update soon and keep writing... :-)
mikako17 chapter 16 . 5/9/2013
I have to say that this chapter made me angry. It wasn't that Albus lost his virginity to Danielle that made me angry, it was that Al's and Scorpius's actions came with the intent to hurt and anger even though, at least on Scorpius's side, he knows that he loves Albus. Even though he knows, he's going to drag Chris's heart into this mess and break it. The most disgusting person in this fic right now is Scorpius, because he knows how much Albus means to him, he cares about Albus, he even cares about Chris, but he's willing to sacrifice them for his own ego. It's people like that who create people like Voldemort.

Also I don't understand the point of giving Scorpius these empath powers and just sealing them away. I really don't understand why McGonagall would give him a stone like that instead of encouraging him to learn how to use and deal with his powers. She seems wise enough to do encourage him and even though she may give him the stone to help him deal with his everyday life, she would still be wise enough to provide him with books or classes or something to help him. How she dealt with that just doesn't make sense and this kind of aftermath where Scorpius fears taking of the stone and not knowing how to deal with feelings really shouldn't have come up with him being an empath.
lucianolover chapter 50 . 2/19/2013
I am so glad that you posted this because I have always sort of wondered how that relationship came about.
Guest chapter 49 . 2/17/2013
HAHA Ron lost to Scorpius. Ron lost to Scorpius!
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