Reviews for Justice
Guest chapter 1 . 4/4
It's been 8 years but I will still ask: Any update on the story?
Sleepinthegarden chapter 16 . 9/5/2013
Love this story. Hopefully you'll update soon. It's been a year so I hope this isn't discontinued.
eidastoryteller chapter 1 . 2/20/2013
I love this! Please please continue it :)
Guest chapter 16 . 2/8/2013
Update soooon :)
Bunny99 chapter 16 . 10/21/2012
My condolences to your grandmother.
Bunny99 chapter 16 . 10/21/2012
Come on! Another cliff hanger! I love it! PLEASE UPDATE!
Bunny99 chapter 15 . 10/21/2012
I love them as a couple! Please update! I NEED this story! I dont want it to go to waste! Love it!
Bunny99 chapter 11 . 10/20/2012
Happy Birthday Draco!
frostykitten chapter 16 . 7/26/2012
Great chapter, I'm loving the story! They way you portray the dynamic between Hermione and Draco is just lovely. I can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon?

My condolences for your grandmother and I hope you're feeling better!

Guest chapter 16 . 7/16/2012
so good !
your plot is really AWESOME and I hope you will upload the next chapter soon
Geiko chapter 1 . 7/15/2012
Really well written and the introduction to your story is great. I will eagerly read the next chapters
HazelGrey chapter 16 . 6/27/2012
Hey there..

My deepest condolences to you for your grandma. I'm really sorry you had to go through that ( But remember that it does nothing to change or undo the fact that she IS your grandmother, you spent time with her while she was here, and nothing can take that away from you BOTH.

So keep the memories close to heart and use them to your advantage so they make you more happy than sad because that's inevitable. *hugs*

On a lighter and happier note, ) I absolutely adored this chapter. You gave just the right amount of character development and realizations for both of them. Ginny, solicitous and witty as always, definitely in character.

Hermione is being pulled in those two directions and oh, GOSH, I'm dreading to see what happens with Fletch, but awaiting it at the same time because he's perfectly nice, but let's face it, sometimes nice can't beat some forms of spoiled asshole (Draco in this case XD)

Can't wait for the next chapter! )

P.S: Get well soon and take care of yourself

BlueSmartiesRule chapter 16 . 6/25/2012
Another great chapter :) I have not given up on this story:) I really enjoyed reading the intense/logical/teasing conversation between Ginny and Hermione - it was really realistic and covered all topics. It showed the strength of their friendship, they were able to talk to each other like that. I also liked Harry and Ron, how at least Harry noticed there was something up ;) And, well, what to say about Draco... ;) He really is temperamental, but exciting at the same time... :) There is definitely passion in the relationship so far, and I'm looking forward to the next direction it'll take :)
SnapshotsOfEternity chapter 16 . 6/20/2012
Hi there, I just wanted to let you know that so far I really like your story. I think you write quite good and you have a varied language, which I appreciate. There is some room for improvement, but I guess that will always be the case :P I do love how you portray the two and their growing relationship. My favorite is Ginny though! She is magnificent. And your Ron is just so, well, Ron, that I can't help but laugh at him almost every time he is mentioned!

I think you contradict yourself a few times in the story, like with Lucius' sentence you start out by saying that he had to pay a fine and had probation, but later, he is in Azkaban. Also, in one of the chapters, you write that when Fletch asked Hermione out a second time, she politely turned him down, but later it seems he has not asked her out until the day he asks her out for lunch a second time. Minor slips, I know, and it's quite difficult to keep up with what you have written when you write something as long as this. But I know that these kinds of mistakes irks the hell out of me!

Otherwise I am looking forward to the next update :)
Velvet Storm chapter 16 . 6/18/2012
God I love when they yell at each other. Is that wrong? ;)
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