Reviews for The Games Children Play
Nectar-Ambrosia chapter 1 . 2/9/2013
Oh my goodness. You are godly. Reading this, I can only think, "why didn't this happen in the show? How did the writers forget to make all this canon?" Because after Rory and Amy's Trojan Duck moments, his dad's death, him being a nurse, her changing her name to Amy, and him weeding (of all things! Why is this so perfect?!) when the TARDIS comes back, I just don't know. This is so totally and unbelievably the way it should have been, ugh.
CapitainIAmNotARobot chapter 1 . 1/18/2012
PLEASE CONTINUE! This is wonderfull!
Pilcrow chapter 1 . 12/1/2011
I really enjoyed this :)
Madhatter98 chapter 1 . 11/24/2011
Brilliant! I hope you do another update/post where we see Rory and the doctor interacting again! D This is such a good plot bunny that you came up with. (so glad you decided to share it. .) I like your writing style too. This is most deffenitly going into my computer favorites. I love that rory is the main charactet! I hope he get to go travelinf with 11. :) plus i love the backround information you added. :) It gives it more depth.
Time and Fate chapter 1 . 11/17/2011
First of all, I love that this is a series and how the dynamic has changed between them a little, but not completely. They're themselves, only slightly healthier versions of themselves