Reviews for The Renegade: The Sounds of Silence
Guest chapter 9 . 2/9/2016
I've been following your story's since the beginning and I'm so sad to see you switch from fan fiction to archive of our own, I couldn't find you there I'm not sure how that website works, and I'm not even sure if you will but could you send the link to your page?
TanithAeyrs chapter 8 . 8/12/2015
Love this chapter. The non-verbal interaction you write is a great way to emphasize the mixed feelings Fenris is dealing with. I was glad to see you hadn't abandoned this story, I love your writing style.
TanithAeyrs chapter 5 . 1/27/2015
So glad to see you picking this one back up again. Your writing flows smoothly with excellent characterization and entertaining dialog as usual. Can't wait for more.
naomis8329 chapter 3 . 6/19/2012
Hi lovely to see the surviving Hawke siblings at least trying to get along lol. Carver recognising the problems between them and trying to resolve them is a mature thing and that is lost in the game as he comes across as being a total grouch with an axe to grind. In a house of women, the male/figurehead but not being allowed to be as his elder sibling made a promise to an absent parent.

No matter how long the truce lasts, its good to see Carver feeling for his sister and realising how unjust their mother's wrath is. Grief is such an awful and ugly thing that can twist love into hate and compassion into misery which can destroy all held within its grip unless dealt with with love and support of others.

Another lovely chapter which I thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you xxx
NoMadKa chapter 3 . 6/14/2012
I liked the story:)
naomis8329 chapter 2 . 2/6/2012
Ah bless, I too hope that Ser Bryant managed to get everyone to safety especially after everything they've gone through.

I feel so for Carver, to witness the dreadful death of one so close to him, the pain and fear of not being able to do anything about it, the guilt of being alive when your other half isn't. Reliving each and every tiny detail to see if you could've changed the way things happened and finding no way out. Horrifying to say the least and for that I can empathise with him.

Margaret too would feel the same as she's the eldest and should've done something to save her sibling, although in truth there was nothing anyone could have done.

A great beginning and I'm looking forward to the rest.

Take care

Naomi xxx
Ursula Cousland chapter 2 . 1/31/2012
I really, really like your treatment of Carver in this. :)
naomis8329 chapter 1 . 12/14/2011
Oh wow, looking forward to seeing how this story progresses I must admit.

I've loved the first chapter and the detailing you have done and the ground work for the characters.

Thank you for sharing

Naomi xxx
Snarkoleptic chapter 1 . 11/19/2011
Gotta say, I love the way you write. I just finished The Rescue, in one sitting. I'm starving right this minute and it's all your fault. Shame. Shaaaaame.


Until you put it there, the idea of the Warden, Alistair, and Zevran together the way they were would never have occurred to me. Watching the whole thing progress in Alistair's head was amazing, but the story you told overall... I just couldn't stop.

I'm very much liking how the Renegade is shaping up as well - the interaction between the Hawkes promises that this one will be just as captivating.

I'm still giggling over Leandra, in the face of an approaching horde, scolding her children for language. It's so HER. "If we can't conduct this Blight with some decorum, you're going to bed without your supper."

Now I'm off to giggle in the kitchen. Thanks for an amazing read, and I'm very much looking forward to more of The Renegade.
TommmyGunZ chapter 1 . 11/18/2011
Sooooo this is awesome. All hail my reviewer skillz. I really like the dynamic between your 3 Hawke siblings. They play very well off of each other. And I can see your dislike of Leandra seeping through toward Margaret :P Everyone was very in-character and interesting. Very good first chapter. :)
Brodyaha chapter 1 . 11/18/2011
I really like the family dynamic that you've already set up in the first chapter.

I look forward to more!
Akatsuki Celeste chapter 1 . 11/18/2011
Ah, good to see the rivalry between Carver and Hawke going strong. :) Looking forward to more.
Chignon chapter 1 . 11/18/2011
As I've already said, I simply adore the way you've written Margaret and Carver. While I personally prefer the friendship path, your story does make me see the appeal of the rivalry path.

And Leandra? I get the same "off" vibes from her as I did in the game.

Great job, Sia!
unfantasmagorical chapter 1 . 11/18/2011
I LOVE THIS. I adore the dynamic you're already setting up between Margaret and Carver Hawke, and I can't wait to see where it all goes. :) Yay.