Reviews for Thank Our Unlucky Stars
Vela513 chapter 10 . 10/2/2012
Sounds really cool so far. I'm looking forward to hearing more!
AlexHamato chapter 10 . 6/17/2012
After a long LONG break from writing/reading/online whatever, I'm back! And the first thing I did was check out how far this story has come. XD For some reason, the site disabled any of my email alerts, so I had no idea of anything that was going around. Updating, whatever. So here I am, catching up on this STILL pretty awesome story.

Gotta love the Assassin Creed references, those definitely gave me a chuckle. Good characterization as always, and it was a nice change to read something with actual depth. I think you two really do have a way with words, especially when it comes to developing and portraying a scene. Always do a good job on that.

I'm pleased with how you slowly introduced Bo. Awesome nickname, by the way. XD Helps me remember easier. Ha ha ha ha ha! Anyways, you're really showing off your OC well, and he seems to actually fit into this story very well, so good job with that. The whole French-Turtle idea is totally new, so that's refreshing to read. I'll respond way quicker from now on, promise! Now that I'm BACK, baby! Heh heh heh.
Laughter's Tears chapter 10 . 4/30/2012
Wow. I love the swirling subtleties in the emotions ever present in this chapter. They rise to the surface and fall away, giving brief insights into each character's psyche and contributing to the overall tone. Love it. :D

Oh Raph... what a horrible burden of memory to carry around, to have witnessed. And now he understands the significance of it, that it wasn't just some bad dream. It was real.

Again, I absolutely adore Mikey in this. His insta-acceptance and how he obviously already cares for his brother. And then there's his faux innocence as he asks Don about the paper in the omamori. With Mikey, every feeling just seems bigger. You’ve done such a wonderful job with him. Kudos. :)

There's definitely a reason they call Don the smart one. Slick move indeed, distracting a wounded warrior into staying put with weapons talk. I do wonder though, what those consequences are that Botticelli spoke of and how they will increase with the time he is spending away. I hope that they can be circumvented somehow... And what is up with his weapon anyways? An unbreakable metal? Where could such a thing have come from? Does it have anything to do with what the Templars are trying to find? He's not the only one with questions.

Can't wait to see more! :D
BubblyShell22 chapter 10 . 4/23/2012
Yay! An update! I'm glad Botticelli is okay and that the brothers are taking care of him. I loved the little banter between Don and Mikey. That was funny. I also loved how you put in Botticelli's accent in there. It adds a sense of realism and is just so cool. Nicely done on this, you two. I'll be eagerly awaiting an update.

The Bubbly One,

D'Fuentes chapter 9 . 3/30/2012
Awesome fight! :)
DragonRose4 chapter 9 . 3/28/2012
Oh my, now his brothers are going to have to take care of him. That had to hurt.
Laughter's Tears chapter 9 . 3/27/2012
WOW! What a chapter! What a cliffhanger! (Cliffhanger! Nooo!) I absolutely adored the contrast in tone that you were able to set up here between Botticelli's no-nonsense seriousness and the brotherly camaraderie of the three Hamatos. And then there was a transition as they fought together, from contrast to comparison. I loved it, seeing them fight side by side (or back to back as it were).

And oh my, the fight scenes! They were amazing! I could clearly see the action in my head and at the same time, each movement was somehow an inference about the state of mind of a character. There was so much said in such a short fight.

You mentioned that this is your first time writing Shredder as Shredder. Well you did a marvelous job. He's perfectly ominous, which made Botticelli's fearlessness in the face of him all the more horrifying. I was hoping, desperately hoping, that the newcomer to the city would take his cues from those who have more experience with the locals. No such luck.

I congratulate you on yet another highly captivating chapter. The characterization was amazing. The description was well written and balanced perfectly with all that exhilarating and wonderfully timed action. Your use of Shredder was perfect, and after this scene I'm glad that you chose to go with Utrom Shredder.

Here's to the approaching summer granting a reprieve from the chaos!
BubblyShell22 chapter 9 . 3/27/2012
Wow. That was an awesome chapter. I loved the fight scenes and how the Turtles rescued Botticelli. I also liked how you guys wrote Shredder and feel that you did him well. I think having Utrom Shredder in this will be good as it will bring a new dynamic, and since it seems you're basing this off of the 2K3 series, that seems like the most realistic approach to go.

Have a great summer season. I'm sure it'll be fun. I hope Botticelli will be okay. I'll be eagerly but patiently awaiting an update. I know how feeling overwhelmed by things can be as well as having massive writer's block. It gets frustrating. Good job, you two.

The Bubbly One,

demonsweat chapter 8 . 3/18/2012
Wow, this is great so far! Okay, once again you guys have taken me out my comfort zone and made me like something I never thought I would - the fifth turtle fic. Awesome.

Man, I like everything about this guy, from his attitude to his attire. His whole upbringing is a really unique angle. What I really love is that you made him a fighter, but not a ninja. I dig that he's more medieval times. And yeah, video game nerd here... I totally got the Assassin's Creed vibe from the get-go. Those arm blade things are too cool. I can't wait to see him in action again! Hopefully he's going to lay it down on some more Foot ninja, maybe with some "brothers" kicking ass by his side, eh?

Jealous of your fanart too. Great taste, I wanted to commission Snee myself for my next fic but I looks like I missed the boat (she's on hiatus/retired, etc.) Those are some really nice pics.

Nice work, I'll be waiting for more!
LilNinjaWolf chapter 8 . 2/25/2012
Wow, wonderful chapter once again. Very heartfelt and well written. Mikey was just so cute, in Mikey's own way, when making Botticelli a white mask as way of accepting him back. It's sad that Botticelli was lost and mourned when he was so little. I don't think Splinter, after losing him once, or any of the brothers will let him go that easily.
Laughter's Tears chapter 8 . 2/20/2012
:D This chapter was Amazeriffic! It was so incredibly awesome that I just had to make up a new word to describe it. There you have it- amazeriffic. Someone call Webster's! :P

I must start with saying how much I adore Mikey in this chapter. As soon as Botticelli isn't some mysterious threat anymore, he's a brother. Instant acceptance. I love that! 'Oh, you don't have a mask? No problem! I'll even make it white to match your awesome cape.' Mikey takes the whole 'long lost brother' situation very well and I love him for it. A little acceptance is just what Botticelli needs.

We have heard the story of his rescue, but now we get to hear the story of how he wound up there in the first place. And what a heart-breakingly simple tale it is. There were five, and then one day there were four. And though he was missed and mourned, Splinter still had four sons who needed to be fed.

I find Botticelli and Splinter to be the most emotionally resonant characters in this chapter. Especially in Botticelli's farewell. It is plain that he, somewhere within, wants what he sees can be possible, could have been possible. That he can say that he will "never know the same" is heartbreaking.

However, Splinter has already lost his fifth son once. Something tells me that he isn't about to let him go again so easily. Not to mention the brothers. They still have questions. This chapter was fantastic. I am definitely looking forward to reading more.
Sciencegal chapter 8 . 2/20/2012
I do not read many OC fics, but I thought I needed to this time. This fic runs at a good pace and I enjoyed it. I am eager for more, as I seem to always be with your writing. This time I will say I was put off some by the story following Botticelli more than his brothers. It made me impatient to move on to where the four I know and love would finally enter the scene. And with your fics, that made it seem like forever. I still enjoyed it enough, though. As seen by how I faved it. I now want to read even more of your work.
BubblyShell22 chapter 8 . 2/19/2012
Ah, I really liked this chapter a lot. I can see Mikey wanting to welcome Botticelli into the family like that. It makes sense in a way. I really hope that Botticelli will eventually stay with his family and not leave them. I'd rather see him with them than in France with those humans. Nicely done on this, you two. I'll be eagerly awaiting an update.

The Bubbly One,

Laughter's Tears chapter 7 . 2/10/2012
Wow. Such an emotionally significant chapter! Not to mention the events that take place. Leo is finally home. Botticelli has met his once-family. I can't wait to see what comes of this.

I don't think I drew breath during the short exchange with Splinter. I could see so much emotion behind that one word, spoken twice. To see the son he thought was lost, in his home no less... Botticelli may have determined that he does not want answers, or maybe is trying to fool himself into thinking that he doesn't, but I'm pretty sure that Splinter will.

The action in this chapter was wonderful and exciting. I am jealous of your ability to write such engaging action sequences.

Oh, and more points for Brother Fitz. "You're a fool!" not exactly the words I would use, but I doubt anyone would want to hear such language from a priest... and it is very good to hear that he made an effort to give Botticelli something to hold on to besides questions, or the misguided teaching that questions are bad.

I am looking forward to seeing what comes next. I will try not to hypothesize; because I'm sure that even if I hit the tip of the ice-berg, it will blow my expectations out of the water.
LilNinjaWolf chapter 7 . 2/9/2012
And a little more of the puzzle. I can't say I'm surprised Splinter knew Botticelli's name, though I am more intrigued to see how Botticelli ended up where he did when Abel found him. The fight scene was also great. I expected Raph to come running sai blazing when Leo and Botticelli came in. It shows how protective he can be of his family well. Great chapter once again! I look forward to more.
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