Reviews for His Girl
GreaserGirl6 chapter 48 . 5/2
This is one of the best fics I've ever read! Thank you for writing this 3
Guest chapter 21 . 12/3/2019
I know I am reading this late, but I just had to say this is one of the best fan fiction stories I have read my entire life! It's awesome:) And your an amazing writer! All the other Outsider stories I have looked at always lead to me leaving halfway through the story but I was glued to my laptop when I read this! Thank you so much for this amazing story:) You should create a part 2! Thanks again! Your amazing!
Lexi chapter 26 . 2/10/2018
I think soda sent Steve to go check on her because sodas at work and because he knows Steve wouldn’t try anything on her
Guest chapter 48 . 9/20/2017
Rayray0528 chapter 28 . 11/8/2016
More nurse!
Rayray0528 chapter 27 . 11/7/2016
I LOVE your story, but could you please try to cuss less? I'm not supposed to be reading any swearing but I can't help it. It's so addicting!
Rayray0528 chapter 15 . 11/6/2016
Soda and Makenzie shouldn't of taken a break! And why wouldn't she tell him anything?! I get to upset about fictional stories.
Rayray0528 chapter 4 . 11/5/2016
Hahahahahhahahahahahaha!the sound I made was NOT human
Thewritevocie chapter 48 . 5/19/2016
To fucking cute
lol199 chapter 48 . 10/11/2015
absolutely loved this story! thankyou so much!
Guest chapter 19 . 7/8/2015
Obviously "him" is Billy.
saiyan angel blue chapter 48 . 2/15/2015
its 1.30am I had to stay up and read this is was bloody good I hope you write more
acsanny chapter 48 . 1/25/2015
Thanks for the story. It's great!
Guest chapter 12 . 10/27/2014
Kayla chapter 48 . 10/16/2014
Oh my gosh... This was the only fanfiction that ever made me cry... It was so beautiful!
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