Reviews for Parachutes
Angelfish369 chapter 1 . 9/22/2013
WOW. beautiful. I almost never read fics without Taichi in it, but your summary really caught my attention. absolutely thrilled to have found this. I love the play on time, moving from the present to the futures and back to the present. I think Yamato's parents made a horrible decision to split up the family that way, where the kids get to grow up with one parent only. The best outcome from the Digimon adventures is that just like for many of the kids, it brought the Ishida's closer together, and they learned a better way to live and communicate.

not sure what else to say. this piece was mesmerizing. I really really really love it.
Kal-El Fornia chapter 1 . 2/25/2012
How does this not have more reviews? In terms of digimon stories, any story really, its one of the best that I've read in a long time.

And yeah, Yamato's family has always been of great interest to me as well. I always prefer the lancer of the story over the hero/main character of it.
tripleT.Vo chapter 1 . 12/4/2011
I just reread "It Can't Be Helped" in my Digimon nostalgia a few days ago; it was a delight to see that you had posted this story so recently. I'm glad that you're still writing.

Your words, as ever, are touching to read. My favorites:

"He remembers with vivid detail the shape of the caramels, the pitch of the swingset creaks... Yamato does not want to have another perfect day. It would be immoral if he mixed the two distinct lifetimes together." Beautiful imagery, here.

"Frustration briefly boils in Hiroaki's throat, which then simmers to a strange unhappiness that is somehow familiar, and thus comforting." Tragically lovely.

Thank you for sharing this.

- T.
Digi Yo chapter 1 . 11/28/2011
Really sweet. And a good read.
Dreams on Wings chapter 1 . 11/25/2011
I have always been interested in Yamato's family as well. Of all the parents in the Adventure universe, Hiroaki and Natsuko were fleshed out the most and, in my opinion, the best. So much so that they are among my favorite pairings actually X3 I just feel that in spite of the divorce, they still love their sons and each other very much... In any case, this was very well written and will be going in my favorites. Great job!