Reviews for Sink
NixieShimo chapter 1 . 1/21/2015
Ah. Just ... thank you for writing this. I love all the characters from Duodecim so much that, even after all these years, I keep coming back to the games and the fandom. These two though, written as a couple or not ... I can't seem to get enough of them. This was wonderful and I don't feel Kain was so far out of character. Not for the situation, at any rate.
ProfessorSpecter chapter 1 . 3/13/2012
It's good to see a Cecil Kain fic with something actually pertaining to fighting [not that I don't enjoy a little romance drabble from them either]. Poor Cecil, getting all banged up. Good thing Kain is such a badass.

I'm curious about then ending, nothing comes to mind to fill in the rest of Kain's last line. But that's probably how you wanted it, yeah?
Gunzaimyx chapter 1 . 3/13/2012
Now that is that Cecil I've been looking for. Very impressive work, staying true to their character, even this dark side of Cecil. Lustful details, love the writing. Mmmm sooo good.
saltedpin chapter 1 . 11/28/2011
Oh wow - this was a great look at Cecil's darker side. I usually err on the side of thinking of Cecil as all sparkles and light, but you pulled this off brilliantly. It read very true, and honestly, your Kain was amazing. The flipping of their usual dynamic was wonderful. Love it :)
fantascination chapter 1 . 11/27/2011

And I don't even really like Cecil. But God. I think I just died.

Poisonberries chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
So, I am stuck in traffic trying to return this damn car and probably shouldn't be typing on my iPhone right now but OMG Sunne, this is amazing. It is so very rare to see Cecil portrayed in the fandom with anything close to the depth that he has, and here you comment on the nature of his bloodlust so very elegantly. The word "darkness" is so often used in descriptions of him so crassly - without any content whatsoever - and here it almost comes off as meta. You say "darkness" in the same offhand way the game does but here it has a face, desires, intensity.

At any rate, I'll have you know that I squeed so hard when I got the update notice for this I'm pretty sure other drivers thought I was having a seizure. God bless s*tty NYC traffic. A brilliant, quiet, resonant piece, as usual.