Reviews for Love Lore of the Wind and Sea
NyanGelato chapter 14 . 2/2
Beautiful, beautiful! You capture each moment with flair and without leaving a single detail go untouched! Your writing is astonishing- I couldn’t do any of this myself!

Oh, and yes, I ship Haruka and Michiru :)
Hotaru tomoe chapter 14 . 7/27/2017
Muy bueno tu fic grasias por compartirlo.
ElenaDusza chapter 14 . 6/16/2014
An amazing story of my favorite character pair. I look forward to the wondrous creations Neptunestears would pen in the future! Please keep writing - it's your gift!
ZodaFalcon chapter 14 . 10/21/2011
Love It
Angelsheart85 chapter 14 . 1/31/2011
Midnight Roses chapter 1 . 2/25/2009
I realy adore this story. I hope you write a sequil to it at some point
krugern chapter 1 . 3/9/2008
Great story.
Aireonna chapter 14 . 11/29/2007
Aw. I really really loved this. It was very descriptive and well written. Very nice job. I wish there was more though! I was sad to see it end. Loved it...sequel?
Yukimura Akira chapter 14 . 11/25/2007
Dear me, this is such a beautiful story. Your powerful descriptions have captured my heart. I'm glad to have read this story of yours. You are amazing. Thank you so very much for having written a piece as wonderful as this. I'm not trying to pressure you but, I'm still looking forward to your updates. )

Until then,

Aki -
Mehabiah chapter 14 . 7/11/2007
*sniff*... that was so... BEAUTIFUL! *sobs* Both characters written so perfectly! Intricate storyline! Yes there were mis-spelled words and wrong sentences but it was so amazing!*sobs again* When Haruka proposed! The destined meeting! The angst! When Haruka found out that Michiru was a mermaid! The intimate moments! *sniffle* truly a classic... a work of art so rare to see!... now I'm sad that it ended...
Through Darkness chapter 14 . 6/29/2007
Beautiful. _

It really was. It was Tristan and Isolde meets the Little Mermaid meets Haruka and Michiru.

Very nice. Simple, elegant.


Through Darkness and Light /x\
Dark-Huntress Sam chapter 14 . 11/26/2006
me love dis

pls pls pls update soon
Neptune's Mask chapter 14 . 5/22/2006
Oh this was beautiful! I loved this story, it was amazing and so heart-felt. I also thank your friend for encouraging you, because otherwise I wouldn't have had the opportunity to read this story. It was fantastic!~Neptune's Mask
Meomun chapter 14 . 1/21/2006
Wow, it's really good.

Just one thing, I didn't understand this

"Amoureux d'Inturnal, le vent au mer sûrement."

I know it's french. but it's not real french, ne? Can you tell me what you mean by that? Maybe I'll be able to translate it for you.
anon chapter 13 . 11/25/2005
ever listen to the tales of legendia song "battle artist"? i thought it fit perfectly with some parts in your story, you should listen to it sometime (and anyone else who would want to). )

I believe you can get the mp3 at

(number 116 I think)

There's a lot of battle music to it, reminds me of Haruka fighting the evil dude. Parts in the song like at 2:44,2:45 to 3:05 you can imagine when Haruka and Michiru joining (first part represents Haruka and the softer one, well you can guess). Check it out. If the site loads up too slow I can always upload it for you and send you the link. Great writing by the way. _b
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