Reviews for A Kung Fu Panda christmas
Riley Quotev chapter 2 . 12/24/2014
You rule! Dude, one of the best Christmas stories ever!
Guest chapter 2 . 9/3/2013
Guest chapter 5 . 9/3/2013
hooo me imagino la cara de satisfacción de tigresa yo tengo la misma satisfacción cuando como dulce de tamarindo puedo caer desmayada en el acto bonito
Guest chapter 1 . 9/3/2013
pobre po por mucho pelo que tenga es que acaso lo quiere cosinar vivo
Forex chapter 5 . 6/12/2012
Tsbis a really good couple of chapters! Keep it up! Update!
darthmasterbane chapter 5 . 4/12/2012
Listen I am deeply sorry for what I wrote earlier. My cousin was just... well... what I assume you implied happened to Tigress and I wasn't thinking. I hope you accept my apology. Thank you.
darthmasterbane chapter 4 . 4/6/2012
YOU! you are by far the most dark and twisted being in all of existance. My loathing of you can not be expressed in words. I hate you and hope you die you sick freak
J.T.Human chapter 4 . 1/4/2012
good story dude, although a couple things tigress was seven when she came to the jade palace, i think it was after tai-lung so they never met either and why would tai-lung do that to a little girl done ranting
Some guy named Blaze chapter 5 . 12/14/2011
Sweetness. So, Po is just a sad shell of a ma...panda. Wow, how is he over Tigress turning him down. I mean sure I've had to tell girls no, but when a girl whom a guy really likes shoots him down, it's hard to get back up again. Guys can still be sensitive, and if you're like me and your a very sensitive introverted kind of guy, then you would expect that guy to be heartbroken. Man I know I've had that feeling. It feels like someone took your heart out of your chest and started to choke the life out of you. And, on top of that you feel utterly and completely alone. You feel like the only thing that would take your mind out of the dark world of being alone is death itself. When God put humans on earth (not an atheist so deal with it) the only thing that was wrong with the garden of eden was that Adam was alone. No, the trees weren't disproportionate and the birds still sang in tune, but Adam still had that unforgettable feeling that you are alone with no-one to love you. Sorry I kind of went off track. Yeah, well merry Christmas to all you other singles and remember that there WILL always be someone for you, sometimes it just takes a while to find them. Wow, I just made myself cry...
fleurets chapter 1 . 12/14/2011
Lol, nice Shifu. You just reminded me why you're my favorite character from KFP. Boo. Heh, thought Shifu was gonna say he thought Po was covered in poo. But no. That's entirely inappropriate.

Not feeling like giving you critique, unfortunately.
Blinkandyoullmissit chapter 4 . 12/5/2011
Ooooh thank you for my Carolling request, very funny! Also just read ch5, so reviewing both... Amazing! Can't think of a criticism so... Keep up the good stories!
FFcrazy15 chapter 4 . 12/4/2011
Aw. Poor Mr. P. No one wants his noodle stuff. : (

Haha, no, Po. Santa doesn't come for naughty girls... or boys. ; 0



; ) There we go! I seriously did that like three times before I remembered you had to push the 'shift' key. XD!

Great job! But what happened to Tigress? : (
LanaDelBaee chapter 1 . 12/4/2011
Bahahaha, love it :D
Xderty chapter 5 . 12/4/2011
Swedish chocolates? I live in Sweden what is so special with those? XD

Great christmas story. Keep up the good work.
FFcrazy15 chapter 5 . 12/4/2011

That was so fudging adorable! Haha, I loved the catnip chocolates. I can just imagine Tigress' thoughts:

"Oh sweet gods of heaven, this tastes so fudging amazi-zzz..."
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