Reviews for The Mulberry tree
Lithium Amaranth chapter 1 . 1/15/2012
Wonderful story! I loved it! Although I admit I almost found myself thinking it was going to be a happy ending. It seemed so close to Romeo and Juliet that I had prepared myself for a tragedy at the beginning, but I just got so into it I forgot that it was bound not to end well ' that's fascinating though, about the Mulberry Trees. I really loved that aspect of the story. And the fact that it was actually based on a Grecian story? Fascinating. i loved the KuroFai part of it AND i learned something Heartbreaking, absolutely heartbreaking!
destructivedoll chapter 1 . 12/5/2011
I loved your story, made me tear up, and I was thrilled to see you based this off of Pyramus and Thisbe! You unfortunately see so many based of Romeo and Juliet, which I completely agree was infatuation, so it was a rather nice change of pace. And very well written, I look forward to seeing something else from you involving this pairing!
wolf1380 chapter 1 . 12/4/2011
so sad,but still loved it.
tokyoblackbird chapter 1 . 12/4/2011

so sad! but so original and very beautiful!

lol pyramis and thisbe as kurogane and fai is actually kind of funny V_V i apologize for my sick sense of humor

but i loved this :D

you obviously worked very hard

good job!