Reviews for Spring time in Konoha
Nanri K chapter 1 . 7/11/2015
Congratulations on your first fic, it was really enjoyable.
Thank you for writing :)
j chapter 1 . 12/2/2014
this was awesome!
the-darker-side-of-things chapter 1 . 7/25/2013
awwwww I love this story im definatly going to read it again in the future after I forget it :3
cellaria chapter 1 . 4/15/2013
aw well some of it was really cute.. the parts that focused on their relationship & thoughts/feelings were sweet.. but parts esp towards the end didn't make a lot of sense like the whole bit with tsunade freaking out & lying to them for no reason didn't seem to fit. it seemed ooc, rushed & just kinda pointless drama & a weird attempt at a misunderstanding out of nowhere lol imo if you'd forgotten all that & just focused on the relationship development it would've been a ton better. often the best fics are simpler storylines but well executed & focused on character depth.
Lficze chapter 1 . 11/14/2012
I realy like your story. It was nice to read, so fluent. Many authors are not able to write the text in a way you don't have to focus on the reading and just imagine the content. Thank you for your work! PS: It's maybe an error during the rewriting but in some words some letters are absent ;) But I'm no English speaker so I have no right to judge. Have a nice day!
Banana Theft chapter 1 . 3/9/2012
*claps enthusiastically* I loved this! 3
KissMeDeadlyT-T chapter 1 . 12/26/2011

Was amazing TT I really loved Sasuke's character in this, you did SUCH a good Job with them both… :')
KissMeDeadlyT-T chapter 1 . 12/26/2011

Was amazing TT I really loved Sasuke's character in this, you did SUCH a good Job with them both… :')
lover-of-love19 chapter 1 . 12/21/2011
I enjoyed this a lot! D
cleo21 chapter 1 . 12/13/2011
very well written

and very sexy

i like the way your mind thinks

great job!

keep up the good work!
Miss West chapter 1 . 12/13/2011
That was awesome :3
aliendroid chapter 1 . 12/11/2011
Okay so I have been contemplating reading this since I first saw. I am glad I finally decided to.

All I can say is DAMN this is long for a one shot! Perhaps you should have separated the chapters! Another thing you really need to learn to separate your dialogue. You normally start a new line when a new person starts to talk. This makes it easier to discern between speakers and keep conversation straight. You have a few errors but nothing serious, most of them are typos like he instead of her or a missing I. Nothing to serious.

All in all this was a great story I enjoyed and couldn't stop reading. One question why did you choose to portray Tsunade as such a cold hearted person? This was probably the only thing I didn't like about the story. Tsunade's portrayal or your portrayal of her. I disagree with it strongly. Despite that though I liked this story and the overall plot. Great job!

But for your next fic seriously separate your dialogue!
Dashel chapter 1 . 12/10/2011
Wow that was epic! thanks for the read it was so sweet and i appreciate how much there was released all at once. thanks again!
MissJudged16 chapter 1 . 12/9/2011
I really liked this. It was cute and fluffy. I like how it was AU. That was nice. Great work on this.
YinKeket chapter 1 . 12/8/2011
lol on the summary to this. can't wait to read this and the title got me into this. reading now. well done on the opening. yay on Sakura dating Lee and i bet Lee is very pleased by it. lol on Tsunade locking the door like that won't stop Naruto was coming in lol. yessss Naruto found a loop hole. ha ha ha ha ha ha lol on Naruto clung to Sasuke's leg and Sasuke dragging him. lol on Naruto's puppy eyes worked on the great Sasuke. i like how the letter from Tsunade was sweet and caring for the blonde. lol Sasuke is thinking Naruto as something more, yessssssssssssssssss. that is a good question how Naruto doesn't have a fan group. wow Ino and Kiba can't see it. wow Sasuke understand why he liked guys than girls. ha ha ha ha ha Kyuubi is having fun with Naruto on telling him about spring time of joy. awwwww Kakashi is helping Sasuke out about his life and feelings. awwwwwwwwww Kakashi is dating Iruka for five years. i can see Hinata and Gaara. Sasuke wanted to hurt Sai so badly for going after his blonde. lol on Kyuubi took over Naruto's body, oh my. well Sasuke finally found out Naruto wasn't Naruto. good for him. lol Iruka saw them bed together and he is pissed luckily Kakashi was there to help. lol Iruka scaring the crap out of Sasuke. yay they told each other how they felt. lol wow Sasuke snapped not wanting people touch what's his. poor Naruto, lol to know end. well now the girls know something is up after that. lol Shikamaru owns money to lots of people. i thought he would figure it out first. oh crap this not good. don't listen to her Naruto he loves you. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Tsunade is not being nice at all. i'm glad Naruto got the chance to read the letter. yay Naruto finally stopped Sasuke and saying what's inside his heart. yay Tsunade saw the wrong she did and everything was ok. yay. on they both have each other and not alone anymore. keep up the good work and do your best, take care and be safe.
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