Reviews for There Was a Reason
deanssammy chapter 1 . 12/12/2011
oh was easily call the guy a guardian angel.
Emmers224 chapter 1 . 12/11/2011
This was heartbreakingly sad. I can see this happening to the boys. Their resourceful, no doubt but there's only so much they can do when their most wanted. You did a marvelous job. I love that they stumbled upon the kindness of a stranger. The boys need a kind hand every now and then. Terrific job! I loved it!
KKBELVIS chapter 1 . 12/11/2011
"This is just the lowest we've ever been."

"No it's not," Sam whispered. He forced his lungs to stay quiet. "You and me have been much lower before. Drenched in pain and blood and fire. Here, we see the rain and the sun. we see trees and snow. Here we can still fight. Down There, there is no hope, no rain or laughter. Up here, I may have nothing. But as long as I got my brother, I have everything."



Just a gorgeous piece. I like how you had the boys homeless/down but not out.

And your OC...Vet Guy! Loved him.

A story to warm your heart. Perfect for the season!

Thank you,

morgana07 chapter 1 . 12/11/2011
Very good. Haven't cried in awhile,lol. You created a very realistic setting and it was nice to see that they could still count on someone.
ccase13 chapter 1 . 12/10/2011
The boys will badly need a few good people to help them so that they don't grieve to death along with hiding.

CeCe Away chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
Nice. Perfect for this time of the year.
Coral542383 chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
You've written a prety good story, and a stranger helping the brothers just because is one of the most original plots I have encountered in the Supernatural fandom.

P.S. Did you know that Immanuel is considered to be the name of the messiah?
K Hanna Korossy chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
It would be easy to be cynical about there being people out there who would do this or that anyone still cares about the guys, but I'm too starved for something to go right for them to be cynical about it. They need some comfort, some small kindness, so desperately at this point. Thanks for giving it to them in a believable, soothing way.
BranchSuper chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
Very nicely done.
thursdaysisters chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
This was sweet. :)
The Lilac Elf of Lothlorien chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
Nice. The boys don't get enough kindness from strangers in my book.
Ainaof chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
Whew! Just what I needed to get over the horror of that ticking clock and the reaper telling Bobby it was time to choose. My thoughts regarding the show have been rather maudlin of late, so I was very happy to see this end mysteriously but with hope. Great work! Thanks for writing.
Psychee chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
I enjoyed reading this as it was just the inspiration needed on a cold, wet morning.
giacinta2 chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
So heart-breaking, they have lost everything, but Sam can still be optimistic.

He still has his brother, no they still have each other, and at least they are not in Hell.

I want to believe that the old guy was God because he has been so absent up till now.

It's time he was making an appearance and giving the boys some of that help and rewards that they merit, after having gone through so much.

I would really like to read a fic where they get to talk to the real God, who I am sure is in the background watching everything play out. :-)
Sparkiebunny chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
What a lovely fic. It was very well-written, sad, btu wth such hope at the end. I loved that twist with the boys finaly being rescued from that lifestyle, but what I love even more is that you left it open with the word "he". Could it be God? Cas, perhaps? Or even Bobby, somehow watching over them from wherever he is while his body is in a coma? So many possibilities! Brilliant.

My fave line:

"...But as long as I got my brother, I have everything."

...That there says it all. Love it, and loved this story! :D