Reviews for Grey Lynn Park
xKittyPetrovax3 chapter 1 . 1/15/2016
it's greatly written :)
Mrs. 11th chapter 1 . 5/15/2012
I really like this, and I like Callen and Hunter as (sorta)friends. I really loved Hunter as a character, too. You write them well.
penna chapter 1 . 4/7/2012
this is very well written. The descriptions were nicely worded and apt in the situation. I like that you did not bombard readers with a fusillade of adjectives and metaphors. The scene was clearly portrayed, but not described with paragraphs of fancy language. The plot line was interesting too, particularly the shifts in mood. Very well done, your writing fits with your user name.
Nia chapter 1 . 1/22/2012
I really enjoyed your story. I like the idea of Callen and Hunter being friends. They share a mysterious past that I wish could be explored. I think you captured the characters wonderfully. Enough tension to make it beleievable, but enough heart to make it enjoyable.
jfdkalhfjdsbbe chapter 1 . 12/9/2011
Interesting story, I'm not fond of Hunter, though it might just be that I thought she was taking over Hetty's position and I trust Callen's judgement and he REALLY didn't like her. But this story did succeed in making her a little more human and easier to relate to. Great story, really enjoyable.