Reviews for Yield
hpgirl4ever chapter 1 . 3/22/2012
great story! D
AnJ1989 chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
This was good, but, I don't understand what he had to do
sanctuary-in-dreams chapter 1 . 1/20/2012
There was something about this that just made me really happy. I guess subservient!Arthur is a good image. _~ And poor Arthur - oh, the guilt! Your writing is very fluent, and descriptive. I really enjoyed this!

Guest chapter 1 . 12/14/2011
Aww it was sweet in an odd way, hard to explain but I think it was bueatifuly written
Sharon T chapter 1 . 12/12/2011
Great story
ChOFee chapter 1 . 12/12/2011
So, only thing I'd like to point out is Arthur could do as he damn pleases and I don't think he would've made Merlin do this (at least I like to think that Arthur is noble enough no to) although because of this story line I feel immensely proud of Merlin. :D Awesomely written fic, very engaging.
Grizzo chapter 1 . 12/11/2011
Hey nice story. They were there for each
xXMistressMadHatterXx chapter 1 . 12/11/2011
This was lovely, but I didn't get it. I don't exactly understand what the councilors demanded Merlin to do... Did he crawl on the floor and stay there through out the whole meeting. That doesn't exactly seem so cruel. Yes, it's degrading, but...
emeyers chapter 1 . 12/11/2011
This is definitely one of the most powerful Merthur stories I've ever read. The dedication, love, and trust that Arthur feels towards Merlin conflicting with the reactions from his advisers and how they demanded that Merlin prove himself to Arthur and how Arthur didn't want to but how Merlin yielded to Arthur's wishes with the same loyalty, trust, and love that he always does was heartbreaking but at the same time inspiring. This was absolutely brilliant! Great job! I love how you also kept all the characters in character too, which isn't easy to do.
Evil E. Evil chapter 1 . 12/10/2011
this is new