Reviews for Engraved Love
Guest chapter 11 . 2/10/2015
What is it?! What is it?! What is it?! I GOTTA KNOW!
Great chapter 6 . 2/8/2015
That one part was kinda mean to homeless people..l but it as still good. I thought tang the whole make out scene was real! Lol
Katie Dog Lover chapter 11 . 6/10/2013
Why don't u do the wedding and then when the prist says " if anyone objects to this marrage speek now or forever hold your peace?" its silent and then Vageta barges in and says "i object!" and Trunks also softy says "Me too,im sorry mom!"
Babyross1230 chapter 1 . 5/29/2013
ok that not right
rychefan chapter 11 . 1/22/2013
What a great story wow hope you will comeback and finish it one day i am dying to know what happen between bulma and vegeta...please comeback
smalsa chapter 11 . 5/2/2012
Update! I want to know what happend lol!
smalsa chapter 9 . 5/2/2012
I want to know so bad why they filed for a divorce but have a feeling answers are gonna take a while!
smalsa chapter 7 . 5/2/2012
18s so going to win that bet haha!
smalsa chapter 6 . 5/2/2012
I absolutely love your fic its great and the whole teenage mutant ninjas had me laughing me head off for like 5 minutes even know I'm laughing!
Lexcie chapter 11 . 4/30/2012
Hey just read your story update soooooon!
dragonball girl23 chapter 6 . 4/4/2012
i love your story!

it was the first one i ever read and i loved it,

i just want to say that you're an awesome writer and an inspiration to me. i haven't wrote any stories yet but i'm trying! my favorite stories are the ones were the gang is all in high school. what about you?

and the typical vegeta and bulma types.

again i love your story!

from sonia
LeximusPrime08 chapter 11 . 3/15/2012
Ughhh I hate the suspense! Lol I can't wait until I find out what happened why they got the divorce.
MRMenaMRM chapter 11 . 3/8/2012
What the hell? No fair! I wanted to know what happened between them! Please update soon! And also please don't pair Gohan with that weird gwen chick! Videl doesn't even show any emotion for him what-so-ever! Uh.. I'm a total G/V freak so I want them paired up! Lol:) update soon! More B/V too!
cara9001 chapter 11 . 3/8/2012
Wow I wonder what happened that could've been that bad
Rrosie chapter 11 . 3/7/2012
oh my god you are so cruel, how can you leave this chapter like that!, i'm freaking curious about the reason of bulma and vegeta divorce, they obviously love each other, maybe the things in the box would make bulma react and remember the true reason of their divorce, i have the feeling that they got divorce because of other serious reasons and not because they were tired of each other, i have no idea what they did or what happened, but it must be serious, maybe they got into a dangerous trouble and got divorce to avoid some danger to trunks and bulma, maybe that is the reason why vegeta turned away from them so that they would be fine and safe, ohh please write more things about the reason of their divorce and what happened with vegeta all the years that he was far away, i think that maybe trunks would want to live with vegeta now that bulma and yamcha are planing their wedding, so maybe trunks can live with him for a couple of days in the week, after all vegeta is his dad and trunks has the right to be with his dad some days per week, bulma may have the custody but the kid can pass some time with his dad and in that way vegeta can discover the bruising that made yamcha in the car, cmon that was a strong hit, it would leave bruises, i can wait to see vegeta's face when he discover it, don't mess with vegeta's kid, hahah poor yamcha, but he deserve it.

i think that the fact that they had sex would bring old memorys to both of them, specially to bulma, maybe now that she had sex with vegeta, she realise how she miss him and even maybe it would affect her sex life with yamcha, imagine having sex with yamcha thinking that he is vegeta. ufff

i wonder if the story can turn more interesting, five years have passed so i think that in those years vegeta would meet a woman as well as bulma did (yamcha), so maybe if that woman appear again bulma must feel jelaous, ohh that would be terrific!, please think about it., i don't like the other teacher she is so dumb, it has to be a real competition for bulma, beauty and intelligent, vegeta would never be with a dumb head, so maybe it can be a substitute teacher that has just arrive,,ohh please haha i love the idea, yes it would be terrific! pleaseee think about it.

sorry for the long review but today i have the time to do it, i have time reading your story and i love it.

please update soon.
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