Reviews for Things I'll Never Say
Thelittlestbunny chapter 7 . 12/27/2014
Man, I was looking for a AkuRoku Fantasy and you delivered. It was so good! That entire vampire hierarchy and always having to listen to the vampires above you would suck.
HopelessDreamer56 chapter 1 . 10/7/2012
This is sounding kind of like The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod :
But I shall read anyway because I love you and this is actually sounding interesting :D
Raevi chapter 7 . 8/11/2012
This story is really interesting and addicting. I noticed some allusions of names in your text which I thought were pretty funny but I didn't like how you ended the story (there should be an extra chapter of your awesome writing *secretly fangirling*) but overall this was a really good Akuroku fanfic!
Wicked Little Doll chapter 7 . 7/30/2012
One of the best AkuRoku stories I've ever read!
iSoralicious chapter 7 . 4/25/2012
Awwww! Nice ending! :D

Chakrams and Keyblades. EFF YEAH.


But eh, I guess he didn't have a need for them until now. XD

Lulz Sora. I still love him as a whining brat. x'D

Awesome story, really! I loved it! :D
iSoralicious chapter 5 . 4/24/2012
Zomg wow. I loved this chapter, but it shocked me. A lot.

What happend with Sora, and Xigbar.

And Axel.

Oh gosh. ._.

I must go read more!
iSoralicious chapter 4 . 4/24/2012
Sorry for not reviewing every chapter. I've just been so eager to get to the next chapter that I forget!

Bwahaha. I feel smart for knowing it was Xigbar. 8D Because usually I don't get the hints when I read stories, so when something happens I go, "How did I NOT see that?"

I was thinking Xigbar when it said that he hadn't been see for years.

When it mentioned his eye getting ripped out, I didn't put it together at all. I thought nothing of the eye. I mean, how did I not notice? xD Yet when Roxas started freaking out here, I started freaking out too. I was hyperventilating and saying, "Wow. Oh my gosh...Wow. ROXY. Dx"

I love Roxas and Axel. So darn cute! w And I love this story. Just everything.

Except how Sora is. I love Sora. Like, I'm his obsessive fangirl. I just can't see people hating on him, especially Axel and Roxas. XD But it's good, lol.
iSoralicious chapter 1 . 4/23/2012
Very interesting! I like it:)
738491074891203748129347089231 chapter 7 . 1/27/2012
yay good story and a ending i felt sad for sora lol good job
emoxakuroku813 chapter 6 . 1/16/2012
I love this story! It was so original and amazing... It kept me reading and entertained the entire time! Now I have to ask though... Am I just crazy, or is chapter 6 the exact same chapter as 5? I didn't read chapter 7 yet because I wanted to make sure there wasn't in between...
castielsgrace chapter 5 . 1/10/2012
Dude I kind of love this. A lot. I may not fully understand everything because of lack of game play but I think I know who almost everyone is, haha.

But seriously though. That was soooo good. To the point that I read it all in one sitting. How does this not have more reviews?

Also. Gaara at the end of every chapter. You, my friend, are awesome.
738491074891203748129347089231 chapter 5 . 1/9/2012
i think this chapter was the best
738491074891203748129347089231 chapter 4 . 1/1/2012
yes... verry good indeed i kinda feal sory for sora
Mtsr chapter 2 . 12/17/2011
Ej:Omg,Roxy,your parents killer,is it..


Ej:Is it the cookie jar?

Roxas:-slaps head-

Ej:I knew I was right...hehe..
Mtsr chapter 2 . 12/13/2011
Ej:Pretty good, Its really quit ,I dont know about the crack parents...they might be on crack..but hey,so far,thats all that was parents on crack...