Reviews for Never Had A Friend Like Me
evtrax chapter 14 . 5/24
To qoute the pink hatted boy, that is a dead on cosmo.
jhaenox chapter 34 . 5/4
Great work. Definitely not bad for my first Fairy Oddparent Fanfic read. Thank you for sharing~ I'm off to your sequel haha
jhaenox chapter 33 . 5/4
Why do I have the strange urge to ship NORM X CANADA?
jhaenox chapter 29 . 5/4
How the fuck. What the fuck is that Boil?!
miraculousprince chapter 19 . 5/3
YES! A heart to heart conversation! I'm so happy that Amanda now has Norm as her dad (I know he doesn't think of himself as her dad, but he's the closest thing to a proper one she has so...).
miraculousprince chapter 18 . 5/3
Poor Amanda!
You're really good at making me feel compassion for all the characters without it feeling like you're trying to make me feel compassion for them. Kudos for the amazing writing! XD
miraculousprince chapter 12 . 5/3
Know what I hate? That dances are treated as always being romantic. I used to go dancing with my sister when I was little. But now as adults we're scared to walk next to each other on the street because everyone on the internet says that boys and girls can't be just friends, not even if they're BLOOD related. Amanda and Timmy going the snow dance as just friends makes me really happy! :D
miraculousprince chapter 10 . 5/3
I feel so sorry for Amanda! Her abusive parents should have given her up for adoption instead of neglecting her and verbally abusing her. Although if they had done what was right, this story wouldn't exist... But I still feel really bad for Amanda.
Your writing is really great! Nothing feels forced in this, it's all natural.
miraculousprince chapter 8 . 5/3
This story is a lot of fun! XD I love the contrast between Amanda and Timmy, and their friendship. Timmy feels like a big brother toward Amanda. I hate the boys' misogyny, but canon is nisogynist so I don't blame you for keeping them in-character.
miraculousprince chapter 4 . 5/3
What Amanda feels toward kids who might lose their fairies is compassion, NOT empathy. Empathy is feeling others' emotions, sympathy is understanding others' emotions and compassion is feeling concern for others.
KaylaWilton chapter 34 . 3/15
Oh man this last chapter made me have tears in my eyes throughout the whole thing
Truthfully I haven't watched My Fairly OddParents before, and I've only heard of it. Somehow in the end this story had dragged me to the end of it with me loving it all the way there.
angelica.feliciano.92754 chapter 34 . 1/20
That was SOOOO good!
willam and jack and jake chapter 3 . 8/6/2019
very interesting
willam and jack and jake chapter 2 . 8/6/2019
willam and jack and jake chapter 1 . 8/6/2019
love well done
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