Reviews for Coronation's Lore
Kurosaki Yukia chapter 20 . 10/13
I'm so sorry to have no found this stiry faster idk how it baffles me. Thank you so much for what you've written and shared with us! I know this is a late message but I hope you are getting better and better by the day till the day comes where you will feel at peace once more.
Kurosaki Yukia chapter 16 . 10/13
It's SO SWEET AND FUNNY that Aragorn is feeling protective over Lucy
Kurosaki Yukia chapter 15 . 10/13
Wow the others coming is a BIG surprise BUT the last 2 senstence KILLED ME! OMG MY HEART! I always knew from the very beginning Aragorn gave our such "fatherly" vibes Idk is it because of the LOTR theme like how the characters talk and act, but he always strikes me as "father"
Kurosaki Yukia chapter 14 . 10/13
I underatand your fruatration, I LOVE crossovers between Narnia and LoTRor even the Hobbit. But oh WHY is it mostly Susan and Legolas pair. I understand both archers and VERY pretty and handsome but still-

Nevertheless, I REALLY LOVE this story I LIVE how you characterise Lucy with the others. They're interactions are sweet as if to a childwell she is physically, but they still held Lucy's opinions in high regards. Thank you so much! I LOVE THIS!
CoffeeAndOakLeaves chapter 20 . 6/18
Hello there! I'm sorry to hear that you've been having a rough time of things and I hope that you have been getting better. Thank you so much for writing this, I love it!
I think that this story is absolutely amazing! I love the way you've fit Lucy into the Fellowship and I really like the relationships that she is forming with the other characters. Lucy is one of my favourite Narnian characters, and Lord of the Rings is one of my favourite books, so I love seeing them together! It threw me off a bit when Peter, Edmond, Susan, and Caspian appeared in Lothlorien - I wasn't expecting that. I'm excited to see how they will impact the story.
The only issue I could find with this story is a few grammar mistakes, but there is nothing major.
I also liked the way you changed your writing style in a couple parts, like when you had Lucy write in the diary. It added a neat perspective into the story!
Please know that despite what your depression may tell you, your writing is wonderful and enjoyed by many people!
Inu-yokia chapter 20 . 4/17
Love love love this book! This is amazing and I've just finished reading through it for the 2nd time. I'm always looking for Narnia/LOTR crossovers to read. they are so hard to find. This book has actually made me want to write one. It mainly steems from a moment earlier in this book, when Iluvatar tells Lucy that she should have been in Middle-Earth from the beginning. A small story idea hatched in my head and I'm very much thinking of writing it. Again great story and so excited for future chapters!
Guest chapter 20 . 4/6
This is such a good story one of my favorites so when you update I will be ready and excited to read!
GloomyBearGundam chapter 20 . 3/14
I know how hard it is to find motivation while having depression, speaking as a person with both anxiety and depression. All you need to do is take your time, focus on helping you before you do what others want. I work with dolls and clay, so when depression rears its head I take a step back and think about what makes me happy and feel better about myself.
Jacenia chapter 20 . 2/22
I’m so glad you’re going to continue with writing, your stories are some of my absolute favourites, and I keep coming back and reading them over. This one in particular is one I adore.

I’ve been through a similar thing, and getting back on your feet is so much harder than anything else, but once you manage to start, it does get easier.

I wish you joy, happiness and love, and brighter days than you’ve been having.

Guest chapter 20 . 1/28
Hello! I’m on my phone, so my account doesn’t show up, but I’ve really loved this story! This was one of the first ones I read outside of Harry Potter, and I’ve always loved your ideas, the way you write Lucy, and the flow of the plot! I hope this helps, and I’m glad you’re getting better:)
DragonFoxx chapter 20 . 1/28
Always take all the time you need for you. Talking things out with a therapist is a great start and learning to do the things you love again can be hard but very rewarding.
Don't listen to bad reviewers they are random people only looking to self gratification, take the constructive criticism into advisement, and write for YOU! The best stories are always the ones you enjoy writing then re-reading.
Midna the Pokemon chapter 20 . 1/27
Take your time and heal as much as you can! We can patiently wait for you to update your stories just like people waited patiently for Kingdom Hearts III to come out for about thirteen years. Next to that wait, waiting for your next update will be child's play in comparison. Good luck with your therapist and I hope you can get back to what you love!
nanigirl15 chapter 20 . 1/27
I’m so happy your getting help. Some people (I know a few) absolutely refuse help. In any form. I can only be there for them I guess. Sometimes I feel like I should try harder to be there for them but they tend to push me away when I try. And I don’t want to make any wrong moves you know?
But I love this story so much and can’t wait! I mean I’m fine with waiting. But I always get excited!
writegood chapter 6 . 1/25/2019
I don't see any reason to call Lucy "child of Man" anymore. She's not of "mortal Men, doomed to die" anymore and is obviously an elf (made one by force) no matter how many times stated otherwise.

Besides that, this has been an interesting story so far.
O-Hoshi chapter 1 . 9/1/2017
Before I read this, Id wanna say Im confident that this is a masterpiece. Ive read the reviewsvand they were quite positive. Though I disagree with the halves. Susan is a great queen. Its like youre speaking of her in the movie verse's perspective. For Aslan's sake, tht was not the Queen Susan of the Horn I read in the books. She was cold in the movie, nevertheless, I love her. And lastly, SUSAN AND LEGOLAS FOR THE WIN. WOOOO
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