Reviews for Digimon Tamers: After the Reaper
Morpheus X chapter 28 . 6/20/2016
Awesome story when will the next chapter be finished
Alexis Alexander chapter 1 . 3/12/2015
I love it! :D
MicSham chapter 28 . 11/22/2014
Pls do continue! Luv ur story there! :D
Breezyfeather chapter 28 . 7/11/2014
Hey, you seem to have vanished. It's been a while since you've updated your profile and even longer since you've updated this story. I really hope nothing bad happened to you; the world can be unpredictable. Please do update soon. I might work on an artwork of Adman. We'll see. This story is awesome, please keep the chapters coming.
DeleteThePast chapter 4 . 6/11/2014
So, I'm guessing this sorta Rukato but I'm not sure yet. Great story so far though
Wiseperson25 chapter 28 . 3/17/2014
Hello?You here?You been here forever!
Yaw Average N00b chapter 1 . 2/21/2014
x-eleven chapter 1 . 7/28/2013
I know this is going to look like nit-picking, but attention to details is important.

"He immediately went to the nearest pay phone and dropped a quarter into the slot".

Pay phones in Tokyo take quarters? Really?

"Takato smiled remembering Rika's grandmother who had once offered to make cookies for him after just meeting him, "Hi. This is Takato. Is Rika around?" The elderly lady..."

Ruki's grandmother is *barely* into middle age. She is nowhere close to being "elderly"

"Unlike the majority of the Tamers who lived nearby the twins were far off in Hongo which required a long trip via bus or subway to arrive".

Ai and Mako live in Shinjuku. They were staying with their grandparents in Hongo after the evacuations. It was their house in Shinjuku that Impmon broke into as he began his search for the kids. He found the drawing board in their bedroom with the message they were in Hongo. This long after the end of the D-reaper threat, they would have returned.

Details like these are important to doing a good fanfic.
anon369 chapter 28 . 6/21/2013
you really need to upload new chapters, i only started reading this about 2 days ago and finished it today but think that now you should try to upload a new chapter about once a month so that readers have something to keep reading and ever since i saw digimon for the first time i was a fan but disliked how season 3 ended and this is brilliant for continuing it, well done.
red neo ranger chapter 28 . 5/26/2013
Loved it keep it up can't wait to read more may the power protect you
AnimeKnight151 chapter 1 . 5/8/2013
A very well written first chapter, you got me hooked!
Delfim the Black kitsune chapter 28 . 2/19/2013
John old pal, great chapter I have been rereadying your entire fic.
I think that the last part was a bit to much. Poor Shadowmon.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
Peace Out.
Shiningheart of ThunderClan chapter 28 . 9/24/2012
-growls at ending, Adman, that was uncalled for. He was trying to help you, dammit! No need to be an ass about it! Do the others know about him abusing Shadowmon? I know they can't really do anything about it. But it would at least make me feel better! -mutter mutter grumble grumble- Update soon!
hgjk chapter 28 . 9/14/2012
hate it
Guest chapter 27 . 8/18/2012
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