Reviews for Please Say Something
alderfur chapter 8 . 4/10
this is such an amazing story. i've always wondered what it would have been like if they'd just let sherlock be gay on the show. i feel like john's reaction would have been either like this or the opposite of the spectrum, but regardless, this is a wonderful story. you write the suffering of gay people who have been outed before they come out so very well.
ughghostreader chapter 8 . 3/22/2019
I love this story so much, this might sound strange but I only come across works like this once in a blue moon. It felt neurotic in the emotions and messiness of every character and so real and raw, you capture something rare in fiction and I applaud that. Stories like this mean a lot to me and the fire metaphor I know will stay with me forever so thank you
sad and bisexual chapter 8 . 11/2/2018
god this wrecked me horribly
such harsh words from every character, and a desperately sad ending

this honestly terrifies me, that there won't be a happy ending when the time I come out happens, should I ever. this fanfiction has taken every doubt i've ever had, and wrung it out into the characters i adore. i don't know how to feel about this fic, but it's broken my heart
Flickered Raven chapter 8 . 10/8/2018
I'm sorry about the rudeness and profanity, but fuck you.
Fuck you for writing this brilliantly depressing fanfiction. Fuck yoU for making me cry.
Fuck you for being so awesome.
Thank you for all the form or things I said. I love this spitfully, which is rather odd.
DCKidWing13 chapter 8 . 9/1/2018
I'm sorry, but what the HELL kind of ending is THAT?! I've been reading this story all day, loving it until that last chapter. I can't even articulate how I feel. From those sudden time skips to John giving up on life, I just... I feel like someone was telling me a great story then suddenly rushed to the end of it and left me on a massive cliffhanger. And I'm sad. For Sherlock...

Guest chapter 8 . 2/1/2018
Why dud this suddenly become about john ugh so annoying
Guest chapter 6 . 2/1/2018
John having a go at greg yet jogns the asshole that outs sherlocj and pushes him for being gay
Guest chapter 3 . 2/1/2018
John pretty much coursed all this and yet sherlock still turns to him that kinda pisses me off.
Ommallaredpanda chapter 8 . 4/28/2017
Fuck, that is sad.
Die John, you absolute cold hearted, reptilian bastard with a brain made of pig guts who consorts with trolls!
Basically John, you bigoted prick.
That made me crying. Sherlock is SOOOOO cute! You are so talented, they both acted exactly as I thought they would. Very, very well done. This has permanently changed my view on both the characters, and on homophobia. (Not that I was homophobic before, this has just explained to me how people can do this. I still don't understand, but I am really trying to understand homophobic people).
Ommallaredpanda chapter 2 . 4/27/2017
How can people be so fucking blind?! You had me crying with this, and cursing John Watson's name. Why can't people just accept everyone? It is so bloody stupid!
Personally, I do not know my orientation, however, I do have many gay, bi and heterosexual friends. Two of them are slightly homophobic, but I usually don't tolerate anything remotely like that.
My best friend (we are basically twins, she is a sister to me) is very openly lesbian. She is proud of it and I am proud of her for being so open about herself and her girlfriend. We have been friends and not had any fallings out, even when she asked me out (be my girlfriend, really).
We are not and have never been romantically involved, but our friendship survived her being openly lesbian, and that romance thing.
So I really don't understand why the fuck people don't just say "Hey, your gay, I don't care at all! If you want, ill treat you different, but I don't really care!"
I'm sorry for burdening all of you with my little rant, but to anyone who is reading, homosexual and bisexual people are still people. Just like black, yellow and white people are. Don't treat them differently.
primitiveLOGIC chapter 8 . 1/16/2017
Oh. God. This is the best story that I have ever read.
Guest chapter 8 . 8/28/2016
4 in the morning bawling my eyes out

thank you very much
MilkBottleTop chapter 8 . 11/23/2015
Oh god this ending killed my feels. I am not crying, not at all.
MyRockInAllThing chapter 8 . 10/20/2015
Wtf do u mean the end. It finishes there? U trying to kill me? Jks. I love u and ur amazing this fic is amazing. What happened to johnnn? Pleassseee
The-Great-And-Terrible-Papyrus chapter 8 . 5/10/2015
so sad!
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