Reviews for A Wind From the Sea
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx chapter 45 . 9/14/2019
Perfection! Such an amazing story
rossui chapter 45 . 9/2/2019
This has been a delight to read. I should have been doing any number of things the last two days but this ended up at the top of the list. (Actually, it wasn't on the list, but I will put it on the list now, cross it off and give myself credit for accomplishing something.) Thank you for this wonderful story. I will now check what other stories you have written and put them on my list prior to reading.
rossui chapter 34 . 9/2/2019
There is so much in this chapter. New characters, Eomer recovering from being an asshole, his fears, all the unknowns. Now I know why there are 45 chapters to this. You weave in and out and back again. (ribbons?)
rossui chapter 28 . 9/2/2019
What a wonderful tale of Frithuswith and Calimab. Gives some hope to older ones like me!
rossui chapter 23 . 9/2/2019
Amazing imagery. This just keeps getting better and better.
rossui chapter 16 . 9/1/2019
Oh my gracious...
rossui chapter 8 . 9/1/2019
I want to go Oh no, Oh no, Oh no, but there are plenty of chapters to come and plenty of chapters for things to work out. I'm right, right? Of course.
rossui chapter 6 . 9/1/2019
These are incredible rituals you have created! I am enjoying the characters you are introducing and looking forward as to how they fit into the story. (And, feel better.)
LimeJuiceTub chapter 45 . 12/31/2018
I didn't see it coming - the reason why Lothiriel would ride to join the Eoreds if war broke out - but it was a good surprise. A good romantic twist!
Cedarlight chapter 12 . 11/11/2017
I forgot how much I liked this scene until I re-read it. Winfrid is one of my fave OCs. You have woven him so deeply into the fabric of this stort, that I can't imagine it without him. I hope you give him and Gytha their own story, since Winfrid is almost like a son to Eomer already.
Melikes chapter 45 . 9/2/2017
This story is a true gift. I don't know if I'll ever be able to read another fanfiction about Eomer and Lothiriel without expecting to find in that story all the traditions and rituals you invented for this one. Perhaps I'll always imagine the king and queen of the Mark as surrounded by the very same setting and folk-lore I found here, even though they will be characters of another story. Your descriptions throughout all the chapters of all your stories have thoroughly enchanted me. I have fallen in love with the "Thanwen Universe", which is something more than the simple "book-verse" I knew before.
Unfortunately for both of us, this means that I find myself wishing for more stories set in this Thanwen-verse Arda. Unfortunately, because you said you wanted to take a break from writing and, aside from that lovely spin-off published last winter, you seem to be sticking to this decision.
I wish I could read about Winfrid's fate, of what became of him, if he stayed in Gondor or went back to Rohan to claim his place among his people (and perhaps claimed Gytha?). I wish you wrote of Théoden and Boromir, of their stolen moments filled with love before their untimely deaths. I wish to read of Mareth and Grimboern, of Anwen and Lhindir.
See? If ever there was a testament to your talent, it is this wish for more. As it is, I'll be content with what you have already written and, what's more, I'll thank you again for taking the time and effort to share all this with us.
miriel's granddaughter chapter 45 . 3/29/2017
I just read Choppy Waters then this over the last two days. They are great, and I want to hear what happens next
Donald Morrison chapter 45 . 11/16/2016
Great story. Thanks for taking the time and effort for our, my, entertainment. Loved it. And do I gather from your author notes that you're not a native English speaker?! Because no one could gather such a thing from your writing. Thanks again.
eschscholzia chapter 45 . 11/11/2016
Thank you for the story! What I like best about your stories (besides the well-constructed plots, good dialogue, and narrative balance that keep me from page-bouncing) are the secondary characters. Your stories aren't just girl-meets-boy-cute and they kiss/get engaged/shag/etc. I like the world that you build around the main characters, since the main plot doesn't happen in a vacuum. It's like paint chips at the home improvement store- you can take one out of the rack, and it's very nice and appealing, but when you put a complementary color next to it, they interact and you say "wow."

I love Gytha and all her foibles, and I hope Winfred finds his purpose in Gondor, and I am glad that Lothíriel is keeping the economy of the Mark going with all the bets flying around. I am glad that Lothi and Gytha and Lady Geliris can find common ground on the blanket, and hope that eases any awkwardness and craziness of being pregnant and having a tween stepdaughter dropped in your lap. :-) If Éomer has the rage, I worry what Meduseld will be like with a raging hormonal teenager in a year- but at least she'll have a baby brother to love on.
EStrunk chapter 45 . 8/1/2016
Amazing story. Of course there had to be one more misunderstanding. Loved the bit after his sparring. I absolutely loved this story. You have a real talent (esp. for dirty lyrics)!
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