Reviews for The Protector
Maya1109 chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
This was amazing, I kid you not!

You displayed both characters on a deeper level which is much appreciated, cos many times only the surface has been scratched with this pairing. The progression with the lemon was really well done too, it went from scary to erotic to absolutely amazing.

This story deserves more reviews and faves.
Cerberus Revised chapter 1 . 12/30/2011
Wow, I have to say this was a delightful read and incredibly have created a piece here that has given such tremendous depth to both characters and takes them beyond the flat characterizations they so often fall into.

The fight at the beginning felt very realistic and you show such great motivation for the characters and their actions. So few people ever really explore the moral conundrum of Miyagi's situation or the real possibilities for his resistance and yet you did a wonderful job of presenting this here.

It was great also that you included a little office banter. As the relationship Miyagi has with Kamijou is also rather complex in its own way.

The twist with the handcuffs was wonderful. You moved this reader from a sense of the sinister, to the erotic, and then into the tender. It was a great ride.

I relish seeing an aggressive Shinobu, one who is active and wanton and you depicted him brilliantly.

The push and the pull of this couple is a big part of what makes them so dynamic and when well done, a very engaging read. Kudos to you Awkwardlysuper. You have contributed a great story to an underrepresented pairing. I hope that others will read and review this piece as it is certainly worthy.
damons-hot-as-hell chapter 1 . 12/30/2011
wow lols that was sum seriously goood lemons damn damn sooo hot
Kristin from Italy chapter 1 . 12/30/2011
I relished 5 things about this chapter 1: it's amazingly written 2: it's amazingly written 3 it's amazingly written 4 it's amazingly written 5: it's AMAZINGLY written(repetita iuvat :p). This is truly a quality work, I sincerely want to praise you for your talent. It was adorned with so many brilliant gems that it pleasured me in the most delightful ways...I will write just a couple of them...ok...for example:

"Yes!That is exactly it!Thank you God! began exclaiming Miyagi, head and hands raised for the added effect, "the boy finally realized it!"...oh my...:O

"I won't corrupt him!No matter how I feel I can't do that to him! blurted out Miyagi, quickly covering his mouth with his hand, his eyes wide at the realization that he had just voiced out what kept haunting him.

"Professor whether he feels you are corrupting him is up to the both of you, not just you..."...Kamijou...wise man...

The sex scene was disquieting at first(poor Miyagi...he almost had a heart attack...Shinobu can be really scary...)then it became sexy...then hot...then a brilliant piece of stunning awesomeness(FIRST ATTEMPT AT A LEMON? :o). this is truly brilliant, thanks for writing :)