Reviews for Flowers in December
Aldrean Treu Peri chapter 1 . 5/20/2014
So sweet.
Lara1221 chapter 1 . 3/5/2014
I mean,
That was absolutely incredible. A bit predictable, I'll admit, after I learned it was her birthday and she was muggle born, but I absolutely love Emma. I love Bill. I love the first person even tho I usually hate it. I love Fleur. I love the relationship he has with both of them, and the true way you can see into his heart.
Tbh, I sort of disagree that Emma is his only friend. Bill, if you ask me, is a cool dude. I always pictured him popular at Hogwarts, funny and different and smart, charming to ladies and teachers alike. Like, I guess wish there was some guy time in here.
But yeah. LOVE.
Anonymous chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
Hi, I just wanted to say,... Wow. This is such a great one shot, and I love your writing style! Well done and keep writing!
BlameNargles chapter 1 . 4/18/2013
Beautiful. So perfectly written and the emotions captured and the voice you gave Bill was brilliant.
the-sparky-scribblings chapter 1 . 1/9/2013
I'm crying. Really. It's the most beautiful Bill/ OC fic I've ever read.

I loved this story so much, it's going to stay in my little list of the most beautiful fanfictions ever written. I just wish that he'd made it work with Emma, I've always felt Fleur was too Mary Sue.

You deserve to be congratulated for this beautiful piece of literature
Clarinetier chapter 1 . 1/3/2013
That was so beautiful and heart-breaking and I have developed a love/hate relationship with this piece. Not many authors can tug at the heartstrings of their readers: you have and for that I commend you many times over.
chatterpeach chapter 1 . 12/18/2012
A story about first love always teary. Thank you for making me remember. Love your story :)
xThe Painted Lady chapter 1 . 9/28/2012
/those times where you have to find ways to procrastinate.

This is so... I don't have words for it... It's amazing.

Emma: HOW, how did you make her so perfect and make her fit so well into this? I've tried writing OCs in stories before and it's just... Gah, I find it so hard to make them believable enough to make them fit. But what you did with Emma was utterly brilliant, and this was amazingly well written.

Bill: I must say... This is probably the first time I've read a first person fic and have not hated it immensely. I have an extreme, and probably irrational hatred for first person... Maybe it's the fact that so many seem to fail at getting into the character's heads and it just ends up awful in my opinion. But you wrote Bill so well, it all seemed so real and I adored reading his relationship with Emma.

You are evil - you ripped my heart out. (Almost :P It takes A LOT to get me to cry)

But you are amazing. This was so well written and *hats off* one of the best fics I've read.

Painted Lady
BlueDragon22 chapter 1 . 9/21/2012
Beautiful story!
jennimiley chapter 1 . 9/4/2012
Just found this story! For the longest one-shot ever ;) I thought it was absolutely brilliant. I LOVE the way you brought a bit of Bill's past to light. Amazing! I found myself so captured by the plot that I was so disappointed there wasn't another chapter. to check out your profile and hope you have many other amazing stories for me to read!
ladyoftheknightley chapter 1 . 9/3/2012
Oh my gosh, this was simply amazing! I absolutely loved Emma; she was such an incredible, well developed character that I mostly forgot she was an OC - honestly, I think she would fit right in to JKR's canon. The beginning was perfectly written - all those horrible, angsty teenage memories just came flooding back to me with Bill's "does she/doesn't she like me" feelings, but it was incredibly sweet at the same time. I loved their first kiss moment (so adorable) and the development of their relationship was both incredibly romantic and incredibly real.

I liked that you didn't sugarcoat their eventual splitting up - I think it is rare that people marry their first love and it just seemed a very believable ending to the relationship. No matter how much you love someone, long distance relationships are hard, and not always successful. I loved that Emma didn't want to leave because of the pregnant girl (I honestly think that the girl deserves a story of her own!) but the fact that it caused her to be killed was utterly heartbreaking. I felt that you wrote Bill's grief and his subsequent decision to mourn her just on the one day very realistic and it wasn't overly sentimental at all. I loved the image of her keeping an eye on Fred, and it was such a cute twist that Louis' favourite teacher is Professor McKenna! Overall, I really enjoyed this story and it's definitely going on my favourites list! Great job, thanks for sharing :)
Amanda Carroll chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
This is a wonderfully written OS and I want to thank you for giving me an hour of beautiful imagination flowing and for those words of love. I usually hate anything that's with an OC, but this was just perfect.
MuggleCreator chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
Awww! So bittersweet!
Black Rose Blue chapter 1 . 7/1/2012
This is truly a wonderful fic. You have Bill down perfectly in my mind, and Emma feels like a canon character that Jo just forgot to put in the books. I see nothing wrong with the SPaG, and I actually hope to see more of Emma in any future stories I might read about her. Perhaps something in her P.O.V of all this?
Illuminans chapter 1 . 5/25/2012
Well, firstly, I'd like to say what a beautiful story I think that was. I had tears running down my face by the end (no joke), and I thoroughly enjoyed the thirty minutes in which it took me to read it. It was canon-compliant and I even feel like it's actually a missing part in the Potterverse. Well done.
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