Reviews for Midnight Gold, The Rise Of The Forgotten Lord
Rickjames196 chapter 8 . 7/23
uggh people are so fucking sensitive. Just because you don't like watching dudes make out or w.e doesn't make you a homophobe. I have no problem with gay people... still think 2 dudes making out is gross as fuck though. What is definitively disgusting is how the media is trying to shove all that gay shit down our throats now ugh. Ugh let me just stop with the ranting.
Andromedaa chapter 44 . 7/23
My god!
Why have you stopped?
Why did you have to stop HERE?

Nad19 chapter 9 . 7/19
a bit weird, how Neville now could fly a broom as a seeker now
Nad19 chapter 7 . 7/19
hmm he needs someone like tonks I think, to wind him up. isn't she a seventh year?
zaidsami21gmail chapter 44 . 5/25
Guest chapter 44 . 5/24
Guest chapter 38 . 5/23
If Harry wants to improve his archery, he should look-up Lars Anderson!
Ptolemys pyjamas chapter 32 . 5/22
I like this story but the introduction of archery was by far the one of the worst ideas I've ever read. Instead of going with something like a sword or gun in the spare hand, you go with a bow? What is the point of training it? Is he going to drop his wand and pickup a bow in the middle of the fight? There are many ways for dealing with werewolves like transfiguration and animation.

Personally I just ignore and start skipping any parts that mention archery.
Guest chapter 35 . 5/22
Is it just me, or is Dumbledore co-dependent on Snape? He seems to need Snape, here, to validate for him his more questionable actions?
nessiesmith2012 chapter 10 . 4/29
This isnt going to be harem is it? Cause im noticing he has no guy friends and likes no guys as friends. Only girls that he charms.

Even for a mature 11 yr old its weird how he doesnt have guy friends.

Please dont let this be cliche harem or multi partner theme. Or if its multi partner have harry be bi to keep it insteresting. I just rolled my eyes as his go to dada teacher was yet another girl.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/11
Obviously you don’t know much about becoming a animagus. Becoming a animagus has nothing to do with transfiguration it’s more of a several month long ritual that is extremely diffficult. Nor is becoming a animagus a ability people have anyone can do it it’s just not really popular. It’s a rigorous process that if slightly messed up causes you to restart the whole process which if done perfectly will take several months. So in all honesty people just didn’t see the point in needing to be one anymore.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/11
Why does harry always have to be cry baby, goblins have a very spartan and uncaring society. If anything if you started cry about how bad your child hood was and lies about your parents they’d look down upon you.
De-Event chapter 1 . 4/10
Seriously, Harry was way dumb and OOC in this chapter than the image of him that you had painted before. I really cannot just believe that Harry trusts a man who he has never met before and who has spent over a decade in a magical torture prison known to drive someone insane, just like that! Yeah Sirius is his goddaddy and all that but, putting him as a proxy, sharing secrets with him within a twenty four hour period just after he's released from azkaban? Bullshite!
I like your story, honestly, but this chapter rubbed me the wrong way cause it seems to me that harry will first want to get a personal measure of the man's character rather than trusting sorely in the words of his long dead mother who showed that even she could trust the wrong people (Pettigrew), and especially when most adults in his life have done nothing but cause him problems .
Oh and you might want to get a beta reader because the number of typographical errors was way too much.
But other than that, yeah good job.
queenisabella123 chapter 44 . 3/13
It will be almost 6 years since you've last updated... i hope one day you come back to it!
teenwriter827 chapter 44 . 3/13
Please continue this story. It's actually extremely good, well written and has a strong foundation.
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