Reviews for Apartment 702
Guest chapter 4 . 5/25/2019
Please update soon! Me and I'm sure many others are definitely waiting to read such an amazing fic.
beautiful chapter 3 . 4/29/2019
this is nice... please don't stop :(
ChiioUnicorn chapter 4 . 4/5/2019
My review for your story is long overdue, Milk. four years ago, an 18 year old chiio stumbled on your story and thought what a genius you were. you are still a smexy genius i shit you not. it's high time I give back to you since you were so kind enough to answer my messages and even chance upon my own stories to give me your opinions! Mind you - I'm usually too much of an ass to drop reviews on stories i actually read here but... you're such a goddamn angel i just have to you know? Again, thank you so much.

So this story started off as hella depressing like... I wanted to hold Len and cry with him that he shouldn't ever beat himself up for feeling the way he did for Rin. Like... I could probably never understand what you're going through Len baby, but you make me wanna jump on the incest bandwagon and scream liberate love in all forms just because. you. are. a damn. cinnamon roll. And no matter how much of a manwhore you are in other songs, I will never stop loving you my blond baby ravioli. Because you know... you're delicious? /shot

Reading your twincest fics is basically guilty pleasure for moi. Guilty as in, damn son we gonna have a looooooooong intervention with jesus after akiko dies lmao. but don't worry my friend - you are never alone. So I love Rin to pieces in this fic - she's kind of a ho who's understandably pissed at len for leaving her the fuck behind to deal with her loneliness - but at the same time she's not totally perfect? Lmao her vulgarity is so hilarious it reminds me of my own sister... god bless her soul. rin's and my sis's, I mean. I used to actually dislike vulgar female characters before finally growing and open mind and accepting things. It's so cute how she wanted Len's attention throughout all their puberty though - like you can just tell she was trying to seduce Len into doing the spice thing but you know lmao. well, i don't blame you rin - it's way more fun when len is seme. Sometimes. as in as long as he isn't a remorseless rapist.

anyway , wanting to bone your sister and loving her as a man is morally wrong - yeah I haven't forgotten that. the consequences are probably even more painful and mindfucked in reality . I wouldn't know. But god, can I just say how much I just want to put all that aside because I just. want. them. to be happy? they love each other, and yet... i can easily seeing a lot of pain that can affect them as a result of their relationship. whether internal or external i can't say for sure but. Damn it, they should just get married and like - elope to the netherlands or something.

agh, god you've always got me hooked with your stories you know? They're so deliciously dark with the right amount of romance and angst. I also noticed you did some sexy edits in the story and as well as awe of she. God, I respect you even more for making those minor but meaningful adaptions! respect bitch. respect. I realize you must have so many things going on in your life right now - but just know no matter how long you need to take time away from all this - just know I'll always be here to welcome you back with open arms.

Vocaloid may be losing some popularity... but to think after all this time you've returned - well, i'd say there's hope for both of us yet for being able to weave beautiful stories from our imaginations - it DOES mean something. it really does. thank you for coming back, and welcome home(wrecked)
Isabella Chase chapter 4 . 4/4/2019
The fandom is not dead yet. Here I ammmm. I'm just so glad you're back and continue this story. I remember reading it when I was in high school and when I got the mail, I'm so excited ;;_;; And great work as always, keep it up!
Guest chapter 4 . 4/3/2019
argh god i'm already excited for this. and for the next update!
Azure-Blue-15 chapter 4 . 4/3/2019
I love the new chapter and the edits. I'm super glad
you came back to it.
Kawaii Luxio chapter 4 . 4/1/2019
Please write more
Kawaii Luxio chapter 4 . 4/1/2019
Hell yeah it’s back I freaking love thisss!
Also I loved the lemon seen I’ve never seen it written before
Yuki chapter 2 . 12/15/2015
Is Hiyama Kiyoteru from Spiral?
yells chapter 3 . 8/31/2014
YELLS YOU UPDATED HOLY SHIIIITTTTTTTSSUUUUUUUUU. It was like what, midnight, so I thought "ah what the hell, I wanna re-read smilk's smut." Then I find out you've recently updated two fics. Never mind that I was somewhat disgruntled that it wasn't Awe of She, there was hella gr8 smut and I feel so iNSPIRED? uuuugh I just /worships you forever and throws flowers all over you and your writing. I particularly noticed that in like two years you were gone, the typical Rin you portrayed was rather the submissive to dominant angry pounding Len, and then it changed to perhaps dominant deductive Rin. I don't even mind because you're writing it lmao.
Isabella Chase chapter 3 . 8/31/2014
You updated! You updated! I were just wandering when I saw this fic had had chapter 3 and I was like O_O can't even express my feelings! You're back! I'm so happy right now T_T And this chapter is so good, I kind of like that hatexsex relationship too, but i find it very rare in lenxrin fanfiction. Anyway, I really enjoy this chapter v would you please continued your other fics? Especially awe of she :3 that fic is nice too 3
aha chapter 3 . 8/31/2014
ahsvgshqbwvshbshwjb;hhb7;2&*! you are alive!? I thought some family business/school have make you discontinued all of your fantastic fic! but still I am as your royal (annon) reader is demand you to update! at least once a week! sjwjhshwiwki .
make Rinny become cute (m-rated way)
nonono chapter 2 . 8/11/2014
is this discontonue?
Guest chapter 2 . 3/11/2013
JustSpirky chapter 2 . 2/12/2013
Omg! This is good! Please update soon!
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