Reviews for Labels
MyPseudonyms chapter 20 . 7/30
Great story
EdwardsGuardianAngel chapter 14 . 9/1/2019
The Bocelli/Brightman version of Conte Patiro is one of my all time favorite pieces. Saw them sing it on PBS. I love both artists individually but together they're amazing. Loving the story. It's amazing.
CayStar chapter 20 . 8/22/2019
This was just beautiful! I loved it!
RP4Ever chapter 20 . 1/7/2019
Guest chapter 20 . 9/5/2018
Awww, they’re all growing up. Good ending to a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing your imagination with us here. ~Christy
Guest chapter 19 . 9/5/2018
Kind of a sad beginning to this chapter. She seemed so very unhappy with her life. I was thinking post pregnancy woes but, it was a year later. She seemed to snap out of it by the middle of the chapter. At least she seemed slightly happier. By the end she was back to the Bella of previous chapters. Love that they got a boy. Love the name choice and all three men credited with that name. Very strange that Finn would be stupid enough to come to the States. How did he get past customs in the first place? Why would he ever think that Edward would want his money? At least Charlie got to arrest the ass. Evil man. They should’ve donated the money to a shelter in lieu of just handing it to the government. Or, give it to the families he destroyed when he fled for his life.
Guest chapter 18 . 9/5/2018
Great spot for the wedding. It was bigger than expected with seventy-five guests. I loved that both Billy and Charlie walked her down the aisle. I hope Charlie didn’t mind that. Edward already went to Billy for his blessing and I’m not sure he ever did the same courtesy with Bella’s actual father, Charlie. Bella was happy and that’s all that matters. I think it was really great of them to move him into the servants quarters and out of the nursing home. It has to be so much more lively there. I wonder why Charlie never offered Billy to live with them. Very sweet homecoming from their honeymoon. Those girls are just precious. I was hoping for twins but, of the male variety. That is definitely karma biting Edward in the butt. I was looking forward to two boys to even out the household. Edward will be wanting to avoid the house altogether once they all sync up and have their periods at the same time. Well, Chelsea will be away at college by the time that happens. I agree with Alice and Bella, Charlotte needs to meet up with Peter. Maybe he'll come around eventually.
Guest chapter 17 . 9/5/2018
Love the idea of a very small wedding. Those are always my favorites. In books and in real life. Especially with that amazing garden that is Carlisle’s hobby available to them. I hope they take advantage of it. The memory that Bella had of the time-out bench and Edward talking with Jax the whole time, completely diminishing the point of that time-out. Too cute. Loved how very excited the girls were that they are getting married. The families were elated as well. I adore the relationship that Billy and Bella have with each other. His happiness for Bella and Edward is so wonderful. The presents exchanged were great. The girls getting the hats, scarves and gloves was perfect. Bella’s reason behind it was brilliant. No toys to keep them up for hours. The gift from the girls, with Alice’s help, was fantastic. Very fun chapter.
Guest chapter 16 . 9/5/2018
Loved them meeting in the on call room. That was so fun! Emmett and Jasper both hanging out, guarding the door. The conversation between Bella and Edward was very good. His second proposal, with the ring this time, was also really cute. They even managed to sneak a quickie in there. Yay, them! The adorableness of Chelsea and Jax together is wonderful. I love that Chelsea is going along with everything Jax but, I agree with Bella, in that she needs to learn to say no to her. It can’t always be yes. Sometimes a no is good. I'm glad that Bella figured out the Santa issue with Chelsea. Sweet of Chelsea to pretend with Jax. Very kind of Bella to ask her to pretend for Edward too. I want to throttle Didi for what she’s stolen from Edward and Chelsea. Especially Chelsea. Finn being involved, knowing it was his great granddaughter and not contacting his grandson, is deplorable. He deserves a special place in hell for all the lives he’s destroyed and run from, when things got minutely bad.
Guest chapter 15 . 9/5/2018
You closed the nurse in Boston incident out but, it made me ask why Edward did not take it higher than the complainants cousin, and explain exactly what happened? Explain the truth to the superiors at the hospital. She ran to her cousin because Edward did not want get serious with her. Well, boo-hoo baby girl but, adults in life should be able to handle being dumped. That was a lawsuit he could have won and he just walked away. Hell, he could've even asked them to put a mike on him and/or a camera and have him go to Tara and say he wants her back. She would've jumped for joy and that complaint would've been pulled so fast. I know he had to have a reason to end up in Forks but, having Tara win at that is not something she should have gotten away with. I hope karma grabs her in a giant way, as she deserves it. He could've lost his whole career all because she's an infantile twit. I liked that you had your Leah be kind to Bella there at the end. That she was happy for her moving on. I also liked that she would spread the word around the res for her. Yes, not all would be happy but, they really don't matter at all. Only her parents and Billy matter.
Guest chapter 14 . 9/5/2018
I love that your Renee is a real mom, not the typical canon mom. One that Bella can turn to for advice. One that actually loves her daughter as a daughter and treats her as such. I liked their scene with her letting her mom know they are moving Thanksgiving to Edward's house and then Renee being so happy the Bella is in love again. That she's gotten over Jacob's death and has move on with Edward. Then later, I loved the scene with Bella helping to wash Chelsea's hair in the shower. That was a really sweet scene. Having picked out their colors for her room and Jax's. Edward proposing was quite the surprise. I love when it is a surprise like that in stories. Very good words that he said to her. I liked that she was so shocked but, ultimately, said yes! Yay! It was also wonderful that they had their first time together. It was a very good place in their relationship for that to happen. Had they done that before he went in search of Chelsea, it would not have been the best place. Having it right after they've agreed to marry was perfect. I even really like that she was slightly insecure afterwards. His reassurances were funny and kind.
Guest chapter 13 . 9/5/2018
Poor Chelsea. There is a bunch of pain that goes with appendicitis. My husband had that about eight years ago and while in surgery to remove it, it burst. Thankfully, right as the doctor got it from where it sits inside us, so less to clean up. I can't imagine a child withstanding that pain. Yikes. I am surprised that Bella had not already mentioned Mexico to Alice. At least she is talking to her now and can tell Peter when she meets him for drinks.
Guest chapter 12 . 9/5/2018
Peter not taking no for an answer at the beginning made me angry. She told him she wanted to do that walk through alone, yet he had to be there to threaten Edward. His client! Bella was perfectly happy having these two men fawn all over her, and that showed her immaturity ten fold. Through the whole story I felt she was perfectly mature for her age, until you threw the wrench into the story. Then she turned out to be not so mature after all. I am glad they spoke in this chapter and decided that they do want to be together. However Peter, who does not take no for an answer, will not like this development at all. I can see her no longer getting offered the many jobs she was getting, only because he liked her, just to spite her. She and Alice are really good at what they are doing so hopefully, it will only be a small bump down in business. I really liked that Edward pointed out that Jasper has a lot of unused vacation and Alice is her business partner. She can go instead of Bella. Another thing Peter will not be happy about. Well, Bella played a game and chose not to be mature about it. She chose not to explain to Peter that she loves Edward and is trying to figure it out. So, if he chooses backlash of some sort, she can't be surprised about it.
Guest chapter 11 . 9/5/2018
Good grief. Bella is acting so mature *rolls eyes*. Edward is demanding her to meet him here and his parents will watch Jax, in lieu of asking her to. Peter did the very same thing with his proposal for Mexico on New Years . . . and won't take no for an answer. I suddenly feel like I am reading a soap opera. Why are these two men suddenly so controlling? Bella's backbone has gone too stiff. There is making sure you do not get heartbroken and there is taking it to the extreme. She said she still loves Edward. Edward still loves her. She needs to be honest with Peter and explain that her heart is still with Edward and it could take months for her to forgive him but that she wants to try. Stringing them along is not fair to either and she could end up with neither as a result.
ChristyWIX chapter 10 . 9/4/2018
I’m so happy I guessed right in one of my reviews. Well, half right. Gianna is dead but, his daughter is alive and that’s fantastic news. Hpgianna is a horrid person for keeping his daughter from him. I mentioned in that last review that he didn’t even ask for proof. I can understand he was distraught but, his parents were there with him that first time. Why didn’t they ask for proof of death? So strange. Now, that little girl had really only known her grandmother for all those formative years. Does she even remember her daddy? I hope he gets custody but, that sort of thing is vastly different in other countries than here in the States. So, he may not. I am so angry with him for leaving the way he did. To claim to love someone the way he did and to not even call her at all. Not call Jax at all. What an asshat. I’m so glad that Bella went there to stand by him. I’m also very proud of her for telling him what he did to her and Jax both, with the way he left them. I hope he feels horrible right now. I’m also very glad she’s reiterating 'friend' again. He shattered her heart, he doesn’t get a simply pass for that. He’s got to earn it. I’m quite shocked that the hospital is allowing him this leave at all. Interns simply do NOT get those. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he came back to a complete loss on his medical career. Even though his reason was extremely valid, I just don’t see how they’d be fine with him missing that much of his internship. Unless they tack another few years into it to make up for it. At least he'll have a home to bring Chelsea home to.
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