Reviews for The New Pages Of Life
CarlosZorro chapter 1 . 6/5/2012
Please update, Logan should open up to Carlos! I am like attached to this story!
Aihime195 chapter 5 . 6/1/2012
LOL sexy review button XDDD good one...please update soon I like how the story's going, it was about time logan opened himself to carlos X3 cant wait for the next chapter n.n
ValidHearts chapter 5 . 2/29/2012
Great so far. Can't wait for the next chapter :)
rosaxD114 chapter 5 . 2/18/2012
I don't think it sucked, I thought it was really good! Please update soon and I can't wait to read more! ]
Hounds of Justice Chick chapter 5 . 2/2/2012
Your story is awesome and oh no poor logan what ever shall he do... i feel the same was about BTR of i owned them they would be on HBO or some station like that and it would be late at night and rated M for strong sexually content
Marisol chapter 5 . 2/2/2012
i just noticed that when logans mom calls him "logan", carlos doesn't ask them about that name. mind-boggling...
taeXen chapter 5 . 2/1/2012
story is now taking a much more interesting development :)
Lashton chapter 5 . 2/1/2012
IT WAS SO SESXY I JUST HAD TO PRESS IT! Haha, jk, even if this review button was ugly as heck, i still click it bc this story is just so amazing! I. LOVE. IT. Haha! OOOOOOOH!1 THEY R GONNa HaVE SO MUCH FUUUUUUUUUUN! YEEEEEEEEEEE!
meh chapter 5 . 2/1/2012
ohmygod. Carlos and Logan alone under one roof for a whole week. i can't wait to see what going to happen. great chapter. keep it up, and update soon! :)
dbz7000 chapter 5 . 2/1/2012
whatever you do that keeps you motivated to write, please continue to do it. to say this story is good is an understatement
OsnapitzT0Ri chapter 5 . 2/1/2012
I likes it! Keep going.
kima chapter 5 . 2/1/2012
More more more please!
JPenn chapter 5 . 2/1/2012
There's a few grammar errors, like you said 'cloth' instead of clothes...which is a mistake I make a few times . Otherwise it's good, you just need to describe Logan's thoughts a little more ) Update soon!
dbz7000 chapter 4 . 1/23/2012
is it weird for me to want them to sing the duet 'lucky' by jason mraz and colbie callait? anyways, this keeps getting better
OsnapitzT0Ri chapter 4 . 1/22/2012
I'm confused, but continue writing!
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