Reviews for Regret
Princess Sammi chapter 1 . 1/7/2012
That was stunning.

Utterly and completely stunning.

I love how you’ve written it from the idea of it actually being Constance in love with Imogen. Many of us (myself included through several songfics) have always looked upon it as being Imogen who wants Constance, so to see it from the other point of view, really does make a refreshing change.

The descriptive nature of your language was so beautiful that I was captivated right from the very first paragraph: which was so beautifully worded and so vivid.

Your description of emotions was sensational: I could feel the heartbreak and the humiliation at the rejection, and could feel Constance’s pain and ache at her conflicting emotions as they battled with one another for the head over the heart.

{Her life had always been loveless and alone, and all the Ice Maiden had wanted to do was find the inner strength to reach out to somebody, to find the courage to surrender her defences and allow herself to finally confide and trust, to permit a soothing presence to gain access to her in her tortured existence. Her heart's desire was only to be loved, to be cherished and comforted, to find somebody that was capable of deconstructing her mental barriers and stumbling on the buried beauty below and to clamber through the metaphorical wreckage and rubble of her soul to rescue her from her impending fate.}

I cannot commend you on that paragraph enough; it was just so heartbreaking to read. Deep down all she really wants is to be loved.

And because of that rejection as she sees it, she wants to numb the pain, guilt and humiliation by seeking solace in alcohol.

Brava! Utterly Brava!

Princess S

RandomMoniker chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
When I saw this fic on here tonight, I was too excited to read it. So I held out for a few hours until I could savour the anticipation no more.

Poor Constance. Could we get my number to her please, I'd quite happily take Imogen's place ;)

Seriously though, Imogen, is an idiot. When Constance Hardbroom puts it on a plate for you, who in their right mind would choose the dull scout leader?

Thank you for this. And I don't think it's OOC. A character as complex and intense as Constance would be as passionate as she is uptight, in my opinion, however well she hides it.

Please write more like this!
Aramintas world chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
Awww, so sad, poor Constance. Description of details was exquisite and great characterisation, loved it.
DissectingPomegranates chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
My only criticism is lack of tissue warning *dabs eyes* :'(

I could gush all day and point out my favourite parts but using the iPod touch so haven't quite figured that part out! But hats off, bows in your presences and awe of your work!

Without a shadow of a doubt my favourite of your work yet (no doubt you'll create something that will only top this fic)

The way you described the heartbreak, humiliation and the ever conflicting battle of emotions (mind over heart) was exquisite. Such fine and delicate attention to details that I'm in amazment and kinda jealous :P

The detail and descriptive wording did not require much dialogue from the characters (personally, I enjoy a fic better that way) keeping it simple and always us (the readers, obviously lol) to be transported into another word!

The ultimate sadness was the ice princess herself. The want for human comfort. The inner battle of logic over her hearts desire and then rejection (although, it didn't seem like a rejection) rather that Imogen thought she heard a little crazy in her ears and probably shocked by the revelation but Constance saw this as the painfully rejection, she wanted to avoid and now consouling her pain and grief with the selfish need of alcohol!

*awards wine and chocolate for hard work*