Reviews for Revelations
Natalie Elizabeth chapter 1 . 1/7/2012
Oh wow that was an amazing little story
1477166 chapter 1 . 1/7/2012
Ahhh that was so intense! Loved it! I really want to see them resolve a fight with a kiss on the show, I think that'd be amazing ;) great fic!
trishtumbles chapter 1 . 1/7/2012
Although I think the "secrets" will come out in a much more dramatic fashion on the show, your interpretation was really sweet & I loved the kiss :)
ChristyLoisGilmore17 chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
I love this. I wish this was how the season would end, but I'm sure the way they show how they find out will be good too. Great job! Keep writing!
Imhereforthestory chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
"Yeah. Sad that we had to wait to kiss like that."

She didn't try to hide the smile that flew onto her face.

"That was pretty nice, wasn't it?"

"That is officially the understatement of forever."

I just loved that part... I chuckled when I read it, it was perfect.

I loved the whole thing, and am now off to read some more of your work!
castlebeckett siempre chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
Extraordinary chapter

I like much
Talldude chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
Wow... Nice... Well done!

Out of all the fics I've read so far... this one feels the most "true" to character so far, to me at least..

Absolutely nothing felt "wrong", or out of place here..

You did a really good job on this one..

I know this was a one-shot but seriously, think about finishing up their "week-end" - how they wake up together, what else Kate feels now and how fast the "wall" comes tumbling down..

What new information Rick has on the Dragon... and what they plan on doing with it..

What they plan on doing together? So close to Ryan's wedding now.. it can add some color to the story too, and how all of this came to be..

I'm going to have faith in you - and I'm putting this story on alert...

I know you can do a great job with anything else you can add to it, as you already have done here..

And I hope you do... :-)
pealee chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
I liked it! I was nervous for Kate when they walked into the living room before he told her his secret. I think you played it out well!