Reviews for Jealousy is an Ugly Perfume
VongolaXII chapter 1 . 1/14/2012
I love this! good job!
Hokazono Yui Hokuto chapter 1 . 1/14/2012

a new pair huh? Ryohei x Hibari~!

to be honest, i kinda like this pair~i'm almost wanna tried to wrote a fic about Ryohei and Hibari,yet i didn't know what plot should i make for them?(TT)

by the way, name's Hokazono Yui Hokuto a newbie ~!

the part i liked in this fic is when :

"Don't even try and deny it, to the extreme!" The boxer interrupted, glaring at him. "I know everything! I've seen the way you look at him!"

"Ryohei, he wasn't looking at me in any way." Hibari tried to say.

"He was! Seriously, I saw him!" Ryohei exclaimed, turning to Hibari.

"You weren't even here. How could you have possibly known?" He questioned, folding his arms.

"… I could extremely sense it."

"… What?"

"I have creeper sensing powers, to the extreme!"

"Wha-No, you don't! That's ridiculous!"

"It's not ridiculous! It's extremely true! You should know better than anyone!"
Christian West chapter 1 . 1/8/2012
Holy sh*t dude, this is awesome! Write more!