Reviews for The Sound Of Silence
Gonza15 chapter 43 . 10/25/2013
i loved this story, i was truly amazed by it.
The details, the love, the passion, the comedy & the drama of it was absolutely perfect.
i loved it.
it's one of the best ones i've read.
Aris chapter 43 . 8/19/2013
Everything about this story was so beautiful and poetic and just aksjahds thank you so much for writing it. I had a lovely time reading and I loved it too much.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/6/2013
Just to let you know. This story is the best Klaine AU story I've ever read, mainly cause I don't like Klaine AU. This is actually the 3rd time I'm going to read the story. It's kind of like a good movie or book you just wanna read over again. Kudos!
YaDiva chapter 43 . 12/15/2012
Here it is, 1:00 am in the morning and I have spent the entire evening reading your lovely story. This was very, very good. Just the right amount of angst, romance, drama, smut and lots, and lots of love. Thanks for sharing.
FyrMaidn chapter 43 . 8/5/2012

That was lovely! Sometimes, all you really need is wall-to-wall fluff. (Okay, the off drama thrown in, but mostly fluff.) That was the perfect antidote to life. Thank you thank you. :) Favouriting so I can have random feels at my whim! :D
Jazz chapter 43 . 7/26/2012
Jeg så du var dansker hvilket gør mig stolt t se en så dygtig fanfiction forfatter har skrevet en ekstremt fantastisk fic:) jeg elskede hvert sekund af den ;)
Olivia chapter 43 . 7/24/2012
I just read this all in one sitting and I just had to tell you how amazing it was. I am a huge 60's buff so finding a Klaine AU set in the era was like a dream come true. I can think of no words to give your piece justice but I enjoyed it so much! It deserves more reviews than it has, your historical accuaracy and way with words is astounding.
Flobouille93 chapter 43 . 7/17/2012
This story was really beautiful, I loved it. It inspired to open up to the world around me, to appreciate the simplest things. Their love is so pure and unique.
I simply love Kurt in this story. He's special and innocent. His view of the world is beautiful. Everything was beautiful. I read all of it in 3 days, I was addicted. At first I thought Kurt was sick and trying to have a beautiful end. But in fact he's just a bit different. He's free.
The end was everything I was expecting ! :)

So thank you for this fantastic story :)
Moioui chapter 43 . 6/12/2012
hmpfngjhargh... hvor var det fint! og hvor var det et godt tidspunkt at ende denne her historie på! og hvor ER jeg ked af at den er slut :s hvad skal jeg nu glæde mig til at læse? bum. bliver nødt til at finde en ny yndligshistorie, tror jeg... eller bare læse denne her igen? kan ikke helt overskue det lige nu, men synes at det har været en fantastisk rejse... virkelig, virkelg en god fic!

og bare lige for at skære det ud i pap: jeg plejer sjældent at reviewe, skriver sjældent udelt positive ting og er generelt sjældent udelt positiv... så mener faktisk dette her :)
yuri-and-yaoi-love chapter 43 . 6/11/2012
I loved this story so much.

wondeful ending, but im sad to see this story go...

thanks so much for writing it :)
gemknowsbest chapter 43 . 6/11/2012
This fic was a pleasure to read and follow. Thank you for sharing it with us.
paddyofurniture chapter 43 . 6/11/2012
Amazing story throughout. I hated to see it end, but so glad it ended happily.
merrylittlethought chapter 43 . 6/11/2012
I loved every single moment of this story and all the different emotions I felt while reading it!

Your writing style is beautiful, and you portrayed the characters really well(especially Kurt, he is wonderful).

This chapter is a perfect ending for an incredible journey and it gave me chills, I'm sincere!

Thank you so much for writing this fic! It is one of my favourite! Amazing job! :)
Miss Invernal chapter 43 . 6/11/2012
omg so cute :3
Moioui chapter 42 . 6/10/2012
aaaaaaw! Hvor var det sødt og godt og dejligt.. og lige hvad man havde brug for efter al den tid med bekymringer og uro:)

Super velskrevet (som altid) og så er jeg gennemført vild med at de har booket et megadyrt hotelværelse kun for ikke at bruge det overhovedet ;).

Glæder mig virkelig til at de møder Pucks venner og får etableret et rigtigt liv... og åh, jeg håber at de kommer til at have det godt nu og at de kan være lykkelige for altid og blive gift og få en masse babyer (?) og og og og ...
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