Reviews for Interim
10th Squad 3rd Seat chapter 4 . 8/1/2016
Oh the feels are hitting me now!
10th Squad 3rd Seat chapter 3 . 8/1/2016
Tieria always gets a smile out of me. XD
10th Squad 3rd Seat chapter 2 . 8/1/2016
I hate how Allelujah was caught and jailed. At least the other's had some form of freedom.
10th Squad 3rd Seat chapter 1 . 8/1/2016
Ohh poor Setsuna! I miss Neil to. I always thought it was a bad decision to kill him off.
Pocki chapter 4 . 12/30/2013
I hate OCs. I absolutely detest them. There is never, ever any good OC in a fanfiction. Never. These are facts that I have established and confirmed for a very long time. But somehow.. somehow, this is one of my favorite Gundam fanfictions, which I have read repeatedly and lovingly, and each time I clutch my heart and think, "goodness, I never thought I'd cry over a fanfiction with an OC in it." The idea had simply been foreign to me until I read this.

Just.. I thank you with all my heart for writing these. Really.
Laora chapter 4 . 5/25/2012

I know I favorited this the other day, and I meant to review it then too, but I was at work and I didn't get the chance :(

But I just want to say that this is beautiful. There really aren't any other words to describe it.

I've been talking myself out of rewatching G00, because I've got half a dozen other shows I need to watch, and this story isn't helping XD;; The chapters are short, but somehow they get all the meaning across that you want to explain...and that's something I've never been able to do. Really, it's a talent :)

I read them all to my sister, and she teared up on this last one. It's's all so heartbreaking, all the have them down so well, and you write so beautifully, and GAH you need to write more Gundam 00 because I will definitely read it :)

I've only got one question - one thing that isn't clear to me. At the funeral, who was the "young man with short hair and a scarred face"? The only character I can think to match this with is Graham, but it wouldn't make sense for him to be there :/

I was thinking of doing something similar to this, an outside point of view on the Meisters, but probably with longer chapters and my own ideas. But I'll only do it if it's all right with you, of course, because you did it first, and did it so perfectly :3

Thank you so much for writing this! I can't even think of one thing that's wrong with it :)
Zurizip chapter 4 . 5/9/2012
These are freaking fabulous. Drabbles are one of the best forms of fanfiction; and you're very good at them. You definitely kept things in character and style, which is definitely to be commended.
StormyMonday chapter 4 . 1/20/2012
It is so hard for me to review something like this and sound positive. And its not because I don't like the story. You must know by now that I think your writing is fantastic, it's just that canon events bug the hell out of me, and I end up revisiting that sick feeling in my stomach that I had when I watched the end of season one - which reminds me how unhealthy it is to have such a reaction over someone that doesn't actually exist. (Well, not in this part of the space time continuum at least.)

Good stuff. Insightful and original as always. :)
StormyMonday chapter 3 . 1/15/2012
Ah, I was hoping for a female point of view. And what an original, simple idea for where their uniforms came from. I actually never really thought about it. By the way, I wonder if you're considering writing more for this fandom in the future.

Oh yeah, and you made me all misty-eyed at the end. ;_; D
StormyMonday chapter 2 . 1/12/2012
Hehe. I wonder how many people will read your notes and say "Who's Richie Cunningham? What's a Happy Days?" All kidding aside, you are a pro with character analysis. Wonderful, just fantastic. _
StormyMonday chapter 1 . 1/10/2012
This is so Setsuna. He's adorable, but I can't imagine him really playing well with others, or "normal" people at least. I love that part where Mark wonders what a "Lockon" is. I know this is angst but that part made me laugh. (*hearts Lockon, both of them*)

You seem to be very good at this type of writing style too. Nicely done. )
Hideout Writer chapter 1 . 1/10/2012
Okay, this new guy is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too angsty. Who built him?