Reviews for Fairy Tale
Guest chapter 1 . 6/10/2013
i am a big fan of cake(callen kensi ) and hope you write more there are not enough writers ...
JustLurking chapter 5 . 5/31/2013
Another excellent submission. I always did like plotline with my CaKe.
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 5 . 8/1/2012
Love the ending, love the way it's almost like Hetty's the author - she's known about everything and nudged in the right places all the way through.

You did a great job on the characters, I could see it playing out with them.

I really like the fact that, even though it wasn't in the traditional sense, Callen did sweep her off her feet and take her away from all the bad stuff.

Nicely done.
And Yeah! Finally made it!
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 4 . 8/1/2012
That left me with a little laugh at the end.

And of course, Hetty knows!

Nicely done on the fight to kiss scene. Not rushed or wimpy, but well matched and tough, and with a touch of spice to it.
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 3 . 8/1/2012
So love the fairytale banter between Sam and Callen here! Very cute ( though not sure that's the right word to describe those two.)
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 2 . 8/1/2012
Again the connection to the show episodes with the hitting the ground comment. I really like that subtle little bit.

Hetty's little comment - Your prince awaits. Very nice connection with the style and title of your story.
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
Finally got to reviewing this.

I really love the past/present style that you've got here. It's cool to see a little bit about Kensi's past and what things might have been like in her life and to wrap it all up with a little fatherly advice is really sweet.

I like the connection to the show as well.
chinaink chapter 5 . 3/28/2012
I’m new to the NCIS LA fandom but have become a big fan of the Callen/Kensi pairing. It doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of love for this pairing out there but there’s something that’s really intriguing to me about the two of them, especially because of all the similarities they share, so it really makes me ridiculously happy to come across quality fics like yours for them!

I love this piece. Lovely and sweet, and the fairy-tale motifs you wove in were simply perfect. You write them and their interactions well, and it’s just so nice to read something for the two of them that’s light and *happy* :) I’m grateful that there’s talented writers like you writing for this pairing (there seem to be so few really good Callen/Kensi stories out there), and I hope you’ll be inspired to share something else with us soon!
Peonywinx chapter 5 . 2/13/2012
Gee, why didn't you tell me you wrote this? I'd have been following it like a shot.

That said, another brilliant CaKe fic, if a little short - but sometimes the short ones are the sweetest. I love the whole 'fairy tale' thing - it's like the last thing you'd expect from those two, and yet you can see it happening in a weird way. I quite like the insights you gave us into their lives as kids, and I LOVE Deeks arguing with Kensi in the last chapter. Really witty dialogue from him, but the best was this line:

"Hetty, she can barely navigate a vehicle on a good day," Deeks protested. "What about on a day after she was almost blown into itty bitty pieces?"

I laughed so hard at that D Sounds just like something he would say.

But I gotta say, my favorite part?

"And they lived happily ever after."

Sounds SO like a line Hetty would say during the final blackout moment, so awesome job there!
JenB chapter 5 . 1/30/2012
Great story! Left me wanting more. Perhaps a sequel?
E Salvatore chapter 5 . 1/24/2012
Aww, I just loved this. I know short and sweet's great, but is it bad that I really, really can't get enough of these two, especially the way you've written them?

I know that when it comes to these two, most of us have been known to pick the highly-emotional, angsty way, with lots of fretting and second-guessing and denial, because, well, we are dealing with two highly-complicated individuals. But sometimes we all need something light and fluffy, and I think Fairy Tale really lived up to its name.

So I just love, love, love this. I adore it. I could gush about it for an hour, but I won't.

How crazy is it that I could totally see Hetty saying that last line? Crazier yet is how much I want her to say it.
E Salvatore chapter 4 . 1/24/2012
Oh, Callen - always let Kensi win. Always. Got that?

I am just in awe of how in-character you have managed to keep the entire team. And there is a fair balance between the case, the team (Hetty!) and the romance here. Just... great job. Amazing.

And of course, who doesn't love a good workout-high-leads-to-making-out scene?
always.theheartbeat chapter 5 . 1/21/2012
Aw. Dude. I love it, hardcore.

Seriously though, I was smiling a lot throughout this chapter. I mean, regardless of her almost being blow to bits and dying and all, there were smile worthy parts. At least, in my opinion. Like when Hetty was all "She's in good hands" or "And they lived happily ever after". Because, it's just natural that I'd smile for that.

Great job! For this chapter alone and the fic as a whole, cause really, it was Awesome. Yeah, not awesome, but Awesome. Among other such things. It was cute yet fitting and all that.
moviefanatic17 chapter 5 . 1/20/2012
Yes, we're still out here! It's hard to stop loving these two, especially when the show teases us once in a while (that airplane scene a while back? Talk about a tease!)

Anyway, great story! I hadn't actually looked at what's been written lately, but this one really made my day. I hope your muse sticks around for a while!
Annabeth chapter 5 . 1/18/2012
Perfect, absolutely perfect! That was such a well-written, suspenseful, realistic, romantic ending. I would expect nothing less. You always seem to know how to tie everything up. There was something in this chapter for everyone; each character and a little emphasis on the relationship between the characters, with (of course) an emphasis on Callen and Kensi. It was very well balanced. I love how you tied everything up in a bow using Hetty's wise and all knowing hands-just like they usually do on the show; that was a wonderful touch. Please come back to Callen/Kensi land very very soon! Things aren't the same without you and your excellent fics. :-)
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