Reviews for The Lullaby
Clara0130 chapter 1 . 8/14/2016
this is so warm and sweet :3 ,like it much. Thx for writing such a good story!
Kuroi-Sachi chapter 1 . 7/11/2016
kyaaa! kawaiii!
Nan-kuru-nai-sah chapter 1 . 12/31/2013
AWWWWWW so cuuuuteeeeee omg omg omg omg
ghostlily34 chapter 1 . 3/28/2013
HAUUUU! OMOCHIKAERI!! *dies* I love the way this is written, showing Kiku's confusion about his feelings about his "friend" Arthur. The one-sentence paragraphs were used correctly in a way to show us how everything was working in Kiku's head, no errors to be found, and I truly found joy reading this at 8:06 PM. Just...just dear Oyashiro, this is so sweet.

PunkIggy chapter 1 . 2/6/2013
OMG Yes! There needs to be more AsaKiku, it's so sweet! I love this pairing because it seems like it could be so tragic and sweet.
CookieCat363 chapter 1 . 12/27/2012

I LOVE how Kiku is trying to tackle his relationship with Arthur and trying to see it as friendship, and how Arthur wasn't too direct about his own feelings towards Kiku. The characters were very much in character, and there wasn't any major errors, and this story flowed smoothly and nicely. My only critism is the amount of one sentence paragraphs. Try and lengthen them before you move on to another paragraph. Some of them were intentional, I could tell, but some weren't really needed. Anyways, I frickin' love this, and I hope to read more of your AsaKiku works. Happy Yaoi!

AmeNeko chapter 1 . 12/27/2012

After reading your story entitled Growing Pains (did I get that right?), this remedied my sickened/awed state wonderfully, thank you. This was a very sweet oneshot; Japan is so cute to read about when he is confused :3

England, of course, only reveals his feelings to the people he cares about when he is either drunk or so tired he acts drunk. Thus, this fic was quite accurate in terms of his character :D

Very cute semi-fluff, I would love to read more fics like this! Keep it up!
TweekTweek chapter 1 . 12/13/2012
3 Cute! :D
Saelleja chapter 1 . 6/26/2012
Oh... I read it and already reread it so many times0.0 but I didn't know that it was your work XD Well now I want to say you I do love it:) I enjoy reading and writing such fluffy stories. Honestly all of my stories are so fluffy XD

Cute. I love gentle feelings;)
H3taliafan chapter 1 . 3/10/2012
ivyterasu chapter 1 . 2/18/2012
awwwww so cuuuuuteeeee! i love it!great job! OwO
lunaveea chapter 1 . 1/15/2012
awww, i'm not the requester but this was very lovely and all to adorable -sigh- i love them like this, slow and peaceful. good job :']