Reviews for Beginnings
Moccalove chapter 13 . 6/7
I would love to see a slightly jealous Marcus, I wonder how he would act
Moccalove chapter 12 . 6/7
fluffy and hot simultaneously
Moccalove chapter 11 . 6/7
Moccalove chapter 9 . 6/7
Oh no, poor Katie, heartbreaking
Moccalove chapter 8 . 6/7
I'm so glad that I have 10 chapters left, but I just saw that it's not marked as "completed", I hope that I'll still get closure! Really good!
Moccalove chapter 7 . 6/7
I didn't understand if he indeed broke in on purpose or if it was left unlocked, because there is a fine line between sexually harassing and accidentally witnessing something. Your writing is fantastic.
Moccalove chapter 5 . 6/7
Moccalove chapter 4 . 6/7
:) :)
Moccalove chapter 3 . 6/7
I'm curious to read Marcus interacting with Katie, they barely had any dialogue yet. Great chapter!
Moccalove chapter 2 . 6/7
Moccalove chapter 1 . 6/7
Great start!
Guest chapter 18 . 5/6
Please! Update soon! I love this story!
Guest chapter 18 . 8/6/2019
Amazing just to read this touching story again. I feel at a lost as to what awaits these star cross characters. Hope that you're doing well and if you ever do come back to this exceptional peice to continue, I will be one of the first shouting out "Hallelujah".
necova3 chapter 18 . 5/20/2019
Was just re-reading this story after a few years, and I still love it just as much as the first time I read it! Maybe someday you will get back around to it again...
MinaSeraphina chapter 18 . 4/25/2019
Such an exceptional story! I am so sad it was never completed
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