Reviews for It's Not Polite to Make Holes in Other's Boats
happychica chapter 1 . 9/5/2012
I'm so excited! Someone else uses the phrase "dipshit"! :D

*cough* Sorry.

It was nice to read a story that had normal/modern dialogue. Most of what I've run across recently is very...stylialized? This was so much fun to read! And I may have to borrow that package line if I ever walk in on a guy. ;)
azab chapter 1 . 6/22/2012
i loved it a lot hope you make a sequel to it :)
Anonymous chapter 1 . 1/28/2012
It was really funny and even sweet, especially Smoker giving Ace those pills, and the scene with Tashigi at the beginning was priceless!

I'm glad there's still someone who writes SmoAce, 'cause they're a brilliant pairing and I'm dying to read more about them, so I also hope that you will update "Is love real?", since I adore that fanfiction, too!
ZaraZabuza chapter 1 . 1/25/2012
See. I read it. ;B. hohoho
Panny chapter 1 . 1/22/2012
Haha this was funny and cute. Even though Im not a big SmokerXAce-fan I really enjoyed reading your one-shot :D. I think Ace Mera Mera No Mi burning the alcohol from his body is actually rather useful if he doesnt burn his surroundings making holes everywhere xD. I would have expected a little more SmokerXAce action though(in a yaoi-ish way of course :P) but its like you said a nice little drabble thats fun to read and on my case leaves you lingering for more *.*. Anyway thanks a lot for writing this!
Panny chapter 1 . 1/22/2012
Haha this was funny and cute. Even though Im not a big SmokerXAce-fan I really enjoyed reading your one-shot :D. I think Ace Mera Mera No Mi burning the alcohol from his body is actually rather useful if he doesnt burn his surroundings making holes everywhere xD. I would have expected a little more SmokerXAce action though(in a yaoi-ish way of course :P) but its like you said a nice little drabble thats fun to read and on my case leaves you lingering for more *.*. Anyway thanks a lot for writing this!