Reviews for Life with Lyrics British Style
Lmb111514 chapter 23 . 6/14/2019
This story was fun to read!
Voice of reason chapter 1 . 4/9/2019
I am in awe at the stupidity of this work. I have read a thousand terribly flawed fanfictions over the years but this here takes the top spot. The lack of awareness of basic human emotion or grief has me concerned that the author themself needs therapy for potential sociopathy. Surely anyone of sane mind and above the age of a toddler has a better grasp of death and it's emotional impact than the author here. And of law, too. None of this made any sense, the situation was illegal, the character reactions were out of touch with not just reality but humanity, and this work is an insult to all who have been impacted by death and mental illness.
Guest chapter 23 . 5/19/2015
So cute, so cute, just so cute! I can't even leave a proper review because that was way too adorable! Yeah it could have used more romance but other than that I loved it~! Xoxo 3
Guest chapter 6 . 5/10/2015
I don't see how it's legal to do this
TaekwondoAssKicking chapter 13 . 1/6/2014
OK. This is DEFINITELY my most favorite chapter of all! XD
gomogomo777 chapter 23 . 10/15/2013
I find this story very unbelievable. I am sure I am not the only one. Alfred's brother AND his best friend died, and he's perfectly fine? He doesn't even seem sad. This is just ridiculous. There is just serious lack of emotion in this fic. The pace is rushed, I honestly can't believe I finished the thing, it infuriated me so much.
Greystar13 chapter 7 . 8/29/2013
You know I'm rereading this for the fourth time at least, and when I read the last line of this chapter I started crying. Suicide isn't something unfamiliar to me but a friend of mine is supposed to be graduating this year with me. He didn't commit suicide he died in a freak accident involving some construction machinery that flipped. Last year he was voted the one with the most school spirit in a school that hasn't cared for years. And that last line was one I remember saying to one of his friends, along with wishing it was a sick joke so that at least he'd still be alive, like cruz in candian style. Anyways sorry to bring the mood down a bit but I want to say thanks, for just helping me remember even if that mightve not been your intent
moocow4me chapter 23 . 5/19/2013
Awww :( Don't end! I need Arthur amd Alfred to get together! DX
The Devils Song chapter 5 . 3/4/2013
So, hello. I usually leave reviews on whatever chapters of a story I don't believe. This is one of them.

Alfred has just been told that his brother, best friend and crush are dead. And yet he doesn't seem all that sad. The second the principal said his brother was dead he should have cried. Should have left - they wouldn't make him go to an assembly after that (even if it's all a hoax, but he thought it was real and should treat it as such).

There is a serious lack of emotion. You tried and I can see that, but think. If someone very, VERY close to you died, would you react like that? Would you write those kinds of notes on the boards? I wouldn't and I can't imagine Alfred doing so either.

Sorry to be so negative.
ObliviousPoptart chapter 5 . 1/6/2013
I am currently on chapter 5 and will continue reading after I stop my bloody tears because three of my favourite characters just committed suicide and my other favourite character died from an illness!
Excuse me while I go huddle in a corner for about ten minutes.
(By the way, I already love your story. I just have to. . . gather up the bloody courage to finish it!)
Hernando-Hale chapter 3 . 12/15/2012
That's so weird, the speaker just described me. it's this a true program? Because schools should totally do that.
UnstableFable chapter 1 . 12/1/2012
Reading this again because of reasons!

Seriously, such a short chapter but I already have the FEELS bubbling up my throat
PT-chan ssu chapter 23 . 11/30/2012
This fic is AWESOME! And by 'this fic' I don't mean just this, I mean the ENTIRE Life with Lyrics Fic XDDDD
I know I would've been bored if I read it one by one so I read them all together as one big fic Finished it in, like... 4 days...
WOAH! AWESOME TIMING! (in reference to the fic XDD)

Yeah I love Gilbert x33

ANYWAYS As for this fic - Arthur is brilliant. Flain and simfle. I Swear I love him X3 And his suicide note seriously, why does it seem all Alfred? (browiggle) but yeah. Allistor and Reilly are really cool too. And MR. RESIDENT HERO YOU! XDDD Lol'd at the 5 minute voicemail on a suffosed dead ferson's fhone really, how very Alfred x3

Akemi713 chapter 23 . 9/6/2012
Aah Allistor and Reilly were really cute! I love your stories, so I'm off to Matthews next!
Xxeyes-like-starsxX chapter 23 . 8/13/2012
Aww, that was a good ending!
I love Allistor :)
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