Reviews for Her Scarlet Letter
see-me-clearly chapter 38 . 8/10/2018
This was very fun to read! 24 hours, give or take a little, and I’m done! I even read it at work. I laughed and sighed sadly quite often. My most inappropriate giggle had to be when they speculated motives for Perry’s death. Saying he was the father and that’s why she killed him put me in stitches She had everyone grasping at straws to the very end.
SaoirseParisa chapter 11 . 5/26/2017
I'm glad Angela didn't try to murder her unborn child. I'm surprised she would even attempt doing that at all.
SaoirseParisa chapter 10 . 5/26/2017
I feel bad for Anissa. Her parents forced her to marry Jin and she knows about Angela.
SaoirseParisa chapter 8 . 5/26/2017
Wow, Angela. I don't approve of her reasons for praying, but I can understand why she wouldn't want to get a child dragged into the mess. I'll give Perry points for at least trying to understand her and help her out.
SaoirseParisa chapter 7 . 5/26/2017
Jeez, Jin is a dick. And Phoebe's desperately trying to get pregnant and going to him. I can only feel dread in that something bad might come out of this.
SaoirseParisa chapter 6 . 5/26/2017
At least Gill has some common sense and apologized to Angela for his father's actions. And his own. I wonder what Selena's up to?
SaoirseParisa chapter 5 . 5/26/2017
That was so nice of Kasey to help Angela with the cow. I hope they become friends!
SaoirseParisa chapter 4 . 5/26/2017
Angela needs a hug. Big time.
SaoirseParisa chapter 3 . 5/26/2017
Jin totally deserved that tongue lashing from Angela. Even if he did have his reasons, not telling your wife anything doesn't really help his case.
SaoirseParisa chapter 2 . 5/26/2017
Well, at least Candace is nice to Angela. I'll give her that. Angela could really use a friend.
SaoirseParisa chapter 1 . 3/22/2017
Is it weird that I like this better than the actual Scarlet Letter book? (I had to read it for school and I hated it. Too pretentious and full of purple prose for me) I'm already liking what you have here, and I've never even played Animal Parade! I feel kinda bad for Angela. She really doesn't deserve to be treated like that. But I'm definitely gonna read more of this! (Also, hello fellow Harvest Moon fan!)
serojakusuma chapter 37 . 5/20/2015
I'm might be too late for this, but I think I should said something to you

I never read Scarlet Letter and I don't even play ToTT or AP (but I know and read all the character descriptions), I'm not so good at English (simply because English is not my mother language, and I had several problems when learning it) more importantly, THIS IS MY FIRST TIME READING FANFICTION! I never like to reading anything beside comic and poetry before, hardly to read novel until complete, but I should thank to you for make me enjoy to read fanfiction for the first time.

As I said before, I never play ToTT or AP simply because I don't have any game console to play them, and I also rarely comfortable with 3D graphic. I read so much ToTT and AP doujinshi and I only laid my eye to Toby, Calvin, and Perry, they are so lovely~~ But because of you, I began fall in love with Gill, I never knew that Gill and Luna are very lovely couple! Kasey is so lovely, Wizard is so cute too :3, I was bit disappointed with Jin to divorce with Angela but okay, that's so realistic. I never interested with Chase, but I began dislike him! I hate Chase because he made Angela suffered and more importantly... WAAAH Why you killed Perry~~~ QAQ But I'm glad Edmund father's is not Toby, Calvin, or... Perry, I fear that the worst.

I cried to imagined the scene when Angela was giving birth Egmund, Oh Jin... you are so great... Edmund is so cute too! when he said to change A letter to M, I cried again. And when Perry dead, I screamed, when Gill suspected Perry as Egmund's father, I screamed louder. I had hope that Angela would end marrying Kasey, but I felt the story line would not bring it to that way, and it's true.

Maybe that's all I wanted to said, Thank you for making my day!
By the way, I don't have to bother yourself to reply my review
Em Cay chapter 38 . 5/10/2015
Okay so this is lime, three years after you finished this, but like, UGH! THIS WAS SO GOOD! GAH!
The concept was so original I was like 'ok lemme tab that' and started almost straight-away. And like, haahahaahaaahhhhhjhhhhhhhhhh its SO good. I started saying stuff like 'no', 'ohmygod', 'christ', 'nooooo' around Perrys fall and like, why did you make me feel this way.
Also, you made me want to ead the Scarlett Letter now. Man, if its even 3/4s as good I will be satisfied. Jeez. Months from now or something and if someone asks me why I like the Scarlett Letter so much I'll be like 'it was faithful to he fanficion version'. No joke. Unless its my parents who ask that.
aquathyst chapter 38 . 8/29/2014
I knew it.
"i love her. more than anything." chase didn't put any specific name there.
ugh, this is so tragic. LOVE IT THOUGH , this is beautiful. the last chapter, the epilogue. I'm pretty sure chase regrets nothing because he died heroically, saving the family he loved the most.
plus my otp is ChasexAkari/angela.

I didn't hate kasey though, I think he is adorable xD
and jin, well, he is a jerk. lol. why would he leave her without sending any letters or whatever? It's very understandable of angela to have an affair.
well, um.. sort of.
Pixelsaber chapter 35 . 6/30/2014
Hello there!
This isn't actually the first time reading this, that was... over a year ago... well anyway I was re-reading it and decided to leave a review now before I forget.
I'm currently at chapter 6? Don't remember, and my memory isn't the best so I've probably forgotten alot...
Also I haven't read the scarlet letter so I can't really compare.
-Characters where very good. I cared for these characters, I felt like through the course of this story I got to know them personally.
-Your writting is great.
-The pacing in the story was great.
This an amazing story, nothing short of greatness.
I haven't checked your other stories but I probably will sometime soon.
Now I must depart, your profile picture is making the void return...
Have a nice day!
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