Reviews for A life long forgotten
JustAnotherMarvelFanGirl881 chapter 13 . 5/23
Oh pretty please update.. I am dying to find out what happens next.
jenniebennie chapter 13 . 5/13
update please! puppy for the win. poor cloud... to Young for Tsang. too young for the D. still in exciting got Hojo to die! sepheroth is adorable
kohhannah01 chapter 14 . 1/11/2019
Please please please update this one too!
DestructionDarkness chapter 13 . 10/2/2018
Yes, please update, loving it, please, please,please I'm begging you, update soon
HopefulHelpful chapter 1 . 4/2/2018
One ~issue~ (not really but that's the best word I can think of atm) I have/noticed is in the last paragraph, it says "Tseng turned back and smiled softly to the young boy."

Could isn't a boy (well, he is but I am talking abt boy as in male person before becoming an adult), and he definitely isn't young anymore, lol.

But good chapter and fic, I'm rereading it

kat1316 chapter 13 . 9/29/2017
I wish there was an update its been years
Saturnblue chapter 13 . 6/9/2017
I really enjoyed this story it's great that you gave some background story go along before the major time travel back over 100 years. It's great to see Aerith and Zack gave future Cloud the heads up instead of letting him fumble in the past with the rest. There is many things to be fixed in the past. Such as Angeal's degradation due to science meddling, change of leadership with the Shrina, Kill of Hojo or any other scientist with like minds symptoms/method of doing things, etc. Haha, it was so funny to see Tsung waited a long time for Cloud to move into the next step but finally able to take the next step himself. It probably drives him into frustration in private while with Cloud he probably did tried to seduce Cloud to get a move on. Now he will have to wait until Cloud is of the age in order to continue the relationship or farther the relationship. It's rather fun to see Sephroth acted differently than the usual distant and cold indifference he acted toward the public. Grateful to see the elite three able to be together again and see each other alive instead of dead no matter only one of them still remembers. Puppy will get into trouble with Angeal soon enough. There is no way you could fool Angeal and Sephiroth with this thing. I think it may be better to bring them in on this and Veld and maybe Rufus too to make the scheme more a reality. They need all the luck and plans in order to make this second chance counts in order to save the planet from death.

I hope you will able to come back to finish these stories and may life not throw you too many lemonades for life to be lived in a happy surroundings.
AmaltheaLuchiaAizen chapter 13 . 5/28/2017
PLEASE Update this one! This is hilarious and cute!
Guest chapter 12 . 3/10/2017
Love this fic!
Iheartlife888 chapter 13 . 7/25/2016
Ok what I meant in my last post was PLEASE UPDATE THIS STORY! The suspense is deadly and I just want to see the hilarity! Please have it in your heart or to be hit in the head by the nine muses to update this gem! Thank you for your time.
Mukuro234 chapter 13 . 6/21/2016
Awesome love it
Talliya chapter 13 . 6/3/2016
Ugh, so awesome. ...NEED...
Talliya chapter 9 . 6/3/2016
Why's this chapter and those after it not on AFF?
Also, I love you Tsengers!
naru-chan 92 chapter 13 . 3/26/2016
*tears up and paws at screen*

It's always the GOOD Fanfics that never update!



Anyway. Humorous, attention grabbing, never a dull moment.

I really enjoy this fic!

And you brought ZACK! I love that overgrown puppy! His and Cloud's friendship are the best and I enjoy how you brought the others back in time too! Here's to more interesting chapters!
Black Fox34 chapter 13 . 1/23/2016
Alright. You have my full attention. I would love to know what happens now. I mean with everything going on...well I'm sure you understand. I can wait but can't wait to read the updates. Will be looking forward to them.
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